Under Reg CC, how are deposits made by debit card treated? (These might be a deposit at an ATM or a merchant refund on a debit card burchase, as examples.) Can we hold these for three days even for existing customers?
Why is a permissible purpose needed to get someone’s credit report?
What are some of the more common violations examiners find today?
What’s the most severe penalty for a military lending violation you’ve seen?
Since Visa’s Zero Liability covers ATM withdrawals and PIN transactions. It is even worth investigating Reg E claims since we are always on the hook?
Since Reg E does not apply to businesses, do we have to investigate a fraudulent business debit card transaction?
Can we require a copy of a customer’s receipt if they are disputing the amount of a charge?
Our processor says we don’t have chargeback rights since a purchase was made using Visa Secure 3-D. Can we deny the claim since the cardholder’s password was used?
Our customer received a call telling them their CashApp account was compromised, and they needed to verify the password. After they did this there were several authorized CashApp transactions. Can we tell the customer they have to resolve the issue with CashApp?
A customer purchased KETO Bites and states the cost was $39.99. She immediately received an invoice along with charges to her account for the amounts of $59.99 and $239.99, not for the $39.99. Does provisional credit need to be given for those amounts and is the dispute considered fraud?