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Posters and Notices: Mandatory Lobby Decor
Many compliance regulations require some form of public notification to be sure that consumers are aware of the regulation and their rights as consumers. Lobby posters are a popular technique.
Question & Answer
Question: An outside auditor recently criticized our ARM disclosures because they do not include the demand feature disclosure.
Question & Answer
Question: Our HMDA reports show that we have improved our ratio of lending to minorities but the percentage of minorities that are borrowers is smaller than the percentage of minorities in o
Changes at the FDIC
FDIC has a new Director of Compliance. Paul Sachtleben has moved on to other managerial responsibilities at FDIC and Carmen Sullivan is FDIC's new Director of Compliance. Ms.
Question & Answer
Question: Our lending staff has been approached by a mortgage broker who would like to refer loan clients to the bank. He would charge the bank a fee for the referral.