With the escrow ruling becoming effective January 1, 2016, does anybody have any sample correspondence that they are sending to their borrowers explaining this new rule and the requirement to escrow their flood insurance premium?
With the escrow ruling becoming effective January 1, 2016, does anybody have any sample correspondence that they are sending to their borrowers explaining this new rule and the requirement to escrow their flood insurance premium?
We have a borrower who is consistently past due on the taxes for the collateral on our loan. In the past we have advanced the amounts due on the principal balance and re-amortized the payments. Now we are discussing setting up an escrow account on this loan. Are we prohibited from advancing the initial deposit for the escrow account on the loan?
Is there a model letter that is available to send to borrowers to extend the offer to escrow for flood insurance on their loans, if the loan is still outstanding on 12/31/15?
We have a mortgage on a certain property with borrower and escrow. We have an equity on a different property with the same borrower. Question: can we set up escrow for the 2nd property on the 1st loan even though it is not part of the collateral?
We viewed the webinar All About Escrows the other day and today a rare question was asked. An escrow analysis was done in 2013 and escrows increased but the total monthly payment did not. There was glitch in our system and because the system recognized the increase of escrow it took a portion of the total monthly payment and applied it into the escrow account so that the correct amount was going in; however the amount being taken was being taken from what should have been going towards the principal. Can we take the amount out of the escrow account now almost a year later and put it towards the principal as it should have been and charge the shortage that would result in the escrow account to the customer over 24 month or does the bank take a loss?
Is there a compliance or regulation issue if the property tax disbursement on the Initial Escrow Disclosure Statement does not match the HUD?
Can you have escrow on a new HELOC loan?
Can you have escrow on a new HELOC loan?
Where can I find a listing of escrow vs non escrow states?