An examiner (OCC) told me all employees have to be trained on each regulation every 18 months. Where can I find this requirement in the regulations?
The Federal Reserve Board has reached a consent agreement with the Barnes Banking Company of Kaysville, Utah. The agreement states the goal of maintaining financial soundness.
I would like your opinion in how is the correct way to report/fill out the CTR on following scenario: One individual, John Bee, conducts the transaction on behalf the following customers (Cash In): Deposit for $24,000.00 to be deposited to ABC and Associates. Deposit for $100.00 to the account of Mary Bee. Deposit for $100.00 to the account of Steven Bee. Deposit for $ 300.00 to the account of John Bee. Total of the aggregate deposit $24,600.00.
When we notify a customer that his/her account has been debited/credited, does Reg E require the notice to contain the phone number and address of the Bank? If so, is it the phone number and address of the Operations Center or the Branch Location?
The pressure is off, thanks to FinCEN's announced delayed effective date, but you'll still have to develop a customer identification program. Now you have the time to do it carefully.
The Federal Reserve Board staff has held constant and issued a proposed update to Regulation Z's Official Staff Commentary in time for the holiday mail.
We have a customer who maintains 5 different accounts. Two of the accounts are for businesses which are each separately incorporated. Our customer and his wife are owners sole shareholders of the corporations. The other 3 accounts are for different DBA names. An employee of our customer makes a combination of cash deposits to the 5 accounts in one business day that exceeds $10,000.00. Are the deposits to the 2 incorporated businesses included in the total for CTR purposes? If so, how do we complete the CTR under Part I, Section A for the corporations? Do we list the customer's name on line 2 and the corporation's name on line 5 or only the corporation's name on line 2?