May a financial institution disclose a single balance inclusive of overdraft protection funds (i.e. a line of credit or discretionary service amount)?
May a financial institution process transactions in a manner that allows the financial institution to maximize overdraft fee income?
Is signature needed for OD transfer service? Our "overdraft" product does not qualify as overdraft under 12 CFR 1005, as it's simply a transfer between the consumers accounts. The consumer receives two free transfers per year but is subsequently charged $0.50 for each transfer thereafter. Is the consumer's signature required to link his/her deposit accounts for this "overdraft" service?
We do not approve overdrafts unless a customer has a line of credit or ties a savings account to the checking. Should we be obtaining an opt-in so we can charge a fee if the customer does not have available funds in the line of credit or savings account?
When we close an account due to overdraft, we mail notices to the customer of the amount owed and that the account should be brought to a positive balance to avoid any collection proceedings. Do we need to mail a notification to the account holder when we have sent the account to a collection agency?
Can the fee on overdrafts for paid checks vs return checks differ? Such as $25 fee for paid OD's and $30 fee for return.
Is an FCRA Notice required when denying a request for an increase in the amount of credit on an Overdraft Credit Line? The decision was based upon the customer not meeting the minimum credit score requirement to move to the next line size.
In regards to Reg E. When a dispute is resolved and an error is found that resulted in an overdraft fee assessed to the customer, as long as the overdraft fee is refunded, does the institution still need to state that the overdraft fee was refunded in the notice to the customer? Or, does Regulation just require that the fraudulent charge refunded be disclosed?
Can a bank discontinue an AOD program after it's been in place for several years?
Is it possible for a bank to charge a client with excessive overdraft charges on an ODP account (for example, charging fees on a Saturday or Sunday when the bank is not open)?