When does the revision to Reg P about privacy policies go into effect?
Can you define the role of the lending compliance officer? Is it the lending compliance officer’s responsibility to see that internal lending policies are being followed and should they be responsible for keeping the policy updated?
I have been told that we must have a board approved policy regarding compliance with Reg GG. I cannot find that requirement in the Act. Is this true?
Regarding the Prohibition on Funding of Unlawful Internet Gambling, are we required to send our existing commercial customers a notice about Reg GG?
Our internal auditor was asking how we monitor loan activity. We are not sure if the BSA person is responsible or if the loan department is responsible. Can anyone give me guidelines?
Can the bank rely on sample reviews of the resolutions provided by the business units on the BSA alerts generated by monitoring tools on their customers, or is it necessary to review 100% of their responses?
What is the difference under Reg U between a purpose loan and a non-purpose loan when adhering to margin requirements as a non-bank lender?
How are banks impacted by the FACT Act?
With all the change going on inside our bank during this economy, much attention has been focused on expense reduction and process improvement. How do we focus on revenue growth during all the turmoil?
Our institution monitors transactions for Reg D purposes only at the end of the month. We are looking into changing it to monitor daily, but what if the customer has excessive transactions three days in a row and the account is converted before the customer receives the change notice? We'd like to know if there's a better way to do this. Is there a sample that will show us how to create a daily monitoring system?