If a broker submits an application for a multifamily loan to a bank on behalf of a mutual customer, is the broker required to collect HMDA GMI data?
Say the customer "does not wish to provide" the data, would the broker need to collect the information on the basis of visual observation or surname and communicate that to the bank?
Where in the regulations does it spell out the time limits and liabilities for banks regarding counterfeit checks, altered checks, forged endorsements, etc?
We are a small community bank that maintains strong connections with our customer base. From time to time, a customer we know well brings us a check for deposit that's accompanied by a seemingly legitimate backstory. But the appearance of the check, based on our experience leads us to believe that the check may not be paid because not ALL of the boxes can be checked to rule out that that it's a fraudulent check.
Knowing our customers we tend to give them the benefit of the doubt by accepting the check for deposit and placing a Reasonable Cause hold for 4-5 days. Our acceptance of the check is done in good faith that our customer's story is legitimate and our Reasonable Cause hold is done as a means of ensuring that our customer doesn't end up on the wrong side of a scam.
I have read several opinions which state the ONLY course of action that's entirely compliant is to refuse to accept the check for deposit. Most opinions are that we simply cannot place a hold for Reasonable Cause to Doubt Collectibility in this situation.
Even after completing due diligence on the check and the facts offered by the customer, by refusing a check where some facts indicate authenticity and others indicate potential fraud, why would we not be allowed to try in good faith to accept the check, while protecting our customer from potential loss by way of a Reasonable Cause hold? After all, the teller has formed a "well grounded belief that the check MIGHT not be paid," but is also acting in good faith on behalf--and in favor--of our customer.
We are all advocates for our customers, and simply refusing to accept a check for deposit simply because we couldn't check off EVERY box that it isn't a fraudulent check, seems counterintuitive to the consumer-favoring language of Reg CC.
We were recently audited and it was noted that because a customer can immediately withdraw funds from a deposit made that same day, that we should be disclosing as a same day availability bank. instead of next day availability. What is your opinion and how do you recommend wording the change on policy, notices, and disclosures? It seems most examples I find are all next day examples.
I see from the BOL Daily Compliance Briefing that the FDIC Exam Manual has been updated. Specifically it was noted, "Expedited Funds Availability Act (VI-1.1): Updated with technical changes related to regulatory dollar-amount thresholds and large deposit hold times."
I've compared the old and new versions of the part of the Reg that is referenced and am hoping someone can point out to be specifically what has changed and what the new expectations are from the revision? I don't know that it will change our process because we already make funds available a little earlier than required in most cases and our disclosures accurately state this, but I want to be sure.
Under Reg CC, how are deposits made by debit card treated? (These might be a deposit at an ATM or a merchant refund on a debit card burchase, as examples.) Can we hold these for three days even for existing customers?
How do banks handle loan solicitation checks at their branches? Do all banks accept these types of checks, or are we even required to? If they are accepted, when do they give the customer availability or could this type of check be sent for collections?
I thought collections was only for foreign checks.
It was discovered two days after initial deposit date that a teller did not place a large item exception hold requested by the branch manager. Can we place a hold for the dollar amount that would have been held for 7 days from the date of deposit and mail the customer the form using large item exception hold and note the reason for the delay on the hold notice? What is a best practice for this type of situation?
If a credit union allows a member to establish a new transaction account after they pay back the amount owed from a closed, charged off account, would the newly established account be subject to Reg CC's new account definition? This would mean applicable checks deposited into that account to would be subject to new account holds.
Could we determine that the member's actions causing the the charge-off means they forfeit the benefit of the previous account for Reg CC, and this newly opened account would be a "new account" holds under Reg CC, or would this be a misapplication of Reg CC's new account exception?
Can a US Treasury check be placed on a funds availability hold and for how long?