Can an ambulance association have a NOW account. Is an ambulance association considered a public fund account?
What happens if a bank sends two warning letters for excessive transactions of a savings account, Reg D, but the bank does not follow thru and allows the account to continue excessive transfers. (the account has a balance of $125K)
Are online banking transfers between like titled checking and savings or MMS accounts considered restricted transactions for Reg D purposes?
Where is Reg D in a disclosure?
Under Reg D is a customer allowed unlimited withdrawals from their savings account if it is done in person?
The Treasury is promoting Eagle Cash cards for servicemembers. Their FAQs include an explanation that the transactions will be debited from the servicemember's checking or SAVINGS account. These are starting to show up on our excessive transaction reports. We are unable to contact most of these customers because they are deployed and they cannot easily resolve this anyway. Anything we do we will be criticized for...close the account for excessive transactions and we deny servicemembers access to their funds. Leave the accounts open and we are in violation of Reg. D. Is anyone else encountering this problem and if so, how are they handling it?
The Treasury is promoting Eagle Cash cards for servicemembers. Their FAQs include an explanation that the transactions will be debited from the servicemember's checking or SAVINGS account. These are starting to show up on our excessive transaction reports. We are unable to contact most of these customers because they are deployed and they cannot easily resolve this anyway. Anything we do we will be criticized for...close the account for excessive transactions and we deny servicemembers access to their funds. Leave the accounts open and we are in violation of Reg. D. Is anyone else encountering this problem and if so, how are they handling it?
With Reg D (Excessive Withdrawals) if a transaction is $0 but has a debit transaction code would we count this as part of the transactions that would receive a fee if the customer exceeds the 6 transactions per month?