What is the difference between Facsimile Signature vs. Digitized Signature
We are starting the process leading up to electronic statements. I asked that marketing offers be optional links. I would like compliance issues, such as notices of change, to be prominent either at the top of the statement page and/or appear automatically and require action on the part of the customer to move past the notice. I don't know yet what I will get. If we have the technology to obtain customer consent to receive electronic statements, I would think this would be a piece of cake. Of course, I am not a programmer. How are others handling this?
I am wondering if there are any specific regulations or guidelines pertaining to mobile banking. We are going to add a function onto our internet banking website that allows customers to choose an option to access their account(s) from their mobile devices. I would just like to know if we need to consider other compliance issues separate from internet banking.
How can the bank optimize its vendor risk management efforts?
What individual risk assessments is a bank expected to perform? How do the individual risk assessments fit together with an "enterprise risk assessment"?
In your article on Reg D, <a href="http://www.bankersonline.com/compliance/gurus_cmp080502o.html">Transfer of Funds: Do sweeps count against the transaction limit?</a>, you pointed out unlimited transactions between accounts at the bank, done at an ATM, in person, made by mail and Direct Customer Contact. Now where does the merchant capture device fit in this picture, since you have basically taken the bank to them with direct access to move money between their accounts. It seems the customer is standing in front of a piece of equipment very similar to an ATM. Should these transactions count?
When reviewing our website, what are the main compliance issues we need to look for?
If I sell gift cards at my teller window and/or at a merchant’s location, am I required to get new account data such as TIN and driver’s license numbers?
- The typical ID-theft victim is in his or her 40s, white, married, college-educated and with annual income of $50,000 to $75,000.
Regulation E now looks like a concept that was ahead of its time but has been overtaken by developments in technology.