What’s the importance of following procedure?
Are there any disclosure requirements on a customer's receipt for a deposit at a teller window.
I have an issue that some of our tellers are not understanding. Tell me from the compliance standpoint of CIP how this should be handled. We have always required ID on all people, customersif you do not know them and noncustomersno question. However, some tellers are not asking for ID on noncustomers because they have been coming into the bank for the last 5 years to cash their check so they do not get their ID. How do you suggest we handle this situation?
Do the Letters POD have to be in the address information on the bank statement as long as the POD information is designated on the signature card? I understand the account title has to match the card- but does POD HAVE to be there?
A customer is a signer and owner of a business and they come in and fill out a withdrawal slip from that account. Which name should be in Section A? I see it as the individual who signs the withdrawal slip or makes a business check out to cash; should go in section A because they walk out the door with the cash. How should a CTR like this be filled out?
A customer notified the bank of forgery on checks drawn on our bank. These were counterfeit checks with a forged signature which were cashed by our tellers. The tellers exercised ordinary care: verified the signature card, obtained proper ID and a thumbprint. But these counterfeit checks were too good and almost identical to the real thing. The customer notified us within the correct time; therefore, we refunded the money. A state police officer said that the bank is not the victim; the customer is the victim, so we didn't have to refund their money. The customer is victim of check fraud, not us. I realized that the police officer may not know of banking regulations, but is there any truth to this? I thought, per the UCC, that the Bank is liable for this. We cashed the checks and they had a forged signature; therefore, we take the loss.
Do we have to file a CTR on the following transaction? A split deposit: customer brought a foreign personal check $16,000 which the teller converted into cash, deposited $14,000.00 - the actual amount cashed out by customer is $2,000, but teller run this $14k as cash deposit for convenience.
We have been contacted by our community to sell bracelets on our teller line. The first 100 names of bracelets sold (the tellers would track the names) will go into a drawing for $500 cash. They say it will be open to anyone and not just our clients. Why else would the person be at our teller line if they were not our client? Also, they would like to give something special to the tellers for taking on this added work. I have no idea what "something special" is. We are an OCC bank and I have read through 12 USC 25a. I say that this is a raffle/lottery. Even though we would not be drawing the name of the winner, just selling the bracelets, to me this is still a raffle. Isn't it illegal in it self to allow the bracelets to be sold on bank property? This has nothing to do with deposits or our products or having to become a client of the bank. Would you agree?
What is the time frame that a commercial customer can dispute a check that was cashed against their account? They have a void after 90 day stamp on their check and a check that cleared was after 90 days.
We have businesses that write checks to employees for bonus money or for change orders. If the amounts are over $10,000, how do we fill out the CTR? Under the business or the person who walks away with the cash?