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#1050425 - 09/25/08 04:41 PM Seniors skip generic drugs if Medicare is paying
straw Offline
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WASHINGTON - Seniors who switch between low-cost generic drugs and the original products based on who’s footing the bill are likely driving up the cost of the government’s Medicare drug plan, according to a new study.

Funny how generic is ok when its your own money, but if someone else is paying, who cares. Universal health care would be a great idea. Just think of all the money we could spend.

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#1050437 - 09/25/08 04:49 PM Re: Seniors skip generic drugs if Medicare is paying straw
Jokerman Offline
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This is the problem with third-party payers, and it would especially be the problem with a single third-party payer.

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#1050441 - 09/25/08 04:50 PM Re: Seniors skip generic drugs if Medicare is paying Jokerman
Pale Rider Offline
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unintended consequences when the gubmint gets involved, whether its healthcare, retirement, housing, war on poverty.....and on and on............
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.

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#1050523 - 09/25/08 05:32 PM Re: Seniors skip generic drugs if Medicare is paying Pale Rider
FBH Offline
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I'm shocked that a government sponsored program is inefficient and ends up costing citizens more money in the long run. I personally would love it if the government told me when to get up in the morning and go to work....

...Because you'd never get there before noon!
Caveat Lector! The opinions expressed in this post are those of FBH and no other, not even my employer!

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