These CIP rules are nothing more than window dressing mandated by the federal government to make its citizens feel all cozy that they're doing something to prevent another 9/11. Fact is though that the CIP rules are a crock. If anything, they are barely more stringent than anything we all have had in place prior to 9/11! There are so many loopholes an exceptions that this program will only be effective for those persons (U.S. Citizens) who have established identities and credit reports and properties in the U.S. The Mohammed Atta's will continue to slip through. Heck, all they have to do is take their fake Matricula Consular card and a freakin ITIN to Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank, etc. and they are in the system! How scary is that??? Even the FBI is warning that they can then go to those states that provide driver's licenses to Matricula Consular card holders and get themselves a dadgum driver's license. What do you think they can do with that??? Well what else, but buy firearms and ammo and camouflage, etc.
Like I said the CIP rules are nothing but a crock. The worst part is that certain banks, municipalities and states are paving the way for terrorist to establish a seeminly legitimate identity here and we the people are just going along like sheep. It is a certainty that there will be another attack. These people hate and despise us and they will hit us by taking advantage of our vulnerabilities and the CIP program is most likely at the top of their list!
(even if you don't agree with me, thanks for acknowledging my freedom of expression)