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#1113401 - 01/20/09 02:19 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? Retired DQ
RR Joker Offline
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All I lack now in the "Plum" series is Number 14... Anyway,I started Lee Child's Persuader (a Reacher story) yesterday...I'll get totally sucked in to that one I'm sure if it's anywhere near as good as "Bad Luck and Trouble". So far, it's good. :-)
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#1113402 - 01/20/09 02:20 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Joker
Retired DQ Offline
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I like the Reacher series, he's pretty cool...
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#1113408 - 01/20/09 02:32 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? Retired DQ
RR Becca Offline
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RR Becca
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I'm zipping through some silly little paranormal romances (no plot to speak of, so I can read them really quickly) to boost my page count for January. When I run out of these I plan to start Jim Butcher's Dresden series.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.

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#1113425 - 01/20/09 02:48 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Becca
RR Joker Offline
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RR Joker
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I thought about re-reading Inkheart before I started anything else...but didn't. The movie releases Friday, I think.
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Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#1113432 - 01/20/09 02:59 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Joker
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
Blossom - Andrew Vacchs (re-reading)
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#1113514 - 01/20/09 04:39 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? HappyGilmore
TrngMgr Offline
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Like another poster above, I usually have a few books going at a time. Currently reading "The Road" Cormac McCarthy's view of the end of the world. Amazing book, and not as depressing as you'd think. It's pretty short, and I read it almost straight through Friday night and Saturday, and just went right back to the beginning again.
Another is "Song Yet Unsong" by James McBride - a slave story set right around the Civil War. Just started this one.
Also reading Gettyburg but Steven Sears. Huge book, and you've got to really be into the war. (I am, but it's a slow read.)

Eregon is an amazing series of books.

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#1113519 - 01/20/09 04:40 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? HappyGilmore
kitten Offline
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Originally Posted By: HappyModerator!
Blossom - Andrew Vacchs (re-reading)

is this what the TV show was based on? smirk
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#1113532 - 01/20/09 05:00 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Joker
E.E.G.B Offline
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I read Inkheart and Inkspell over Christmas; I have Inkdeath but haven't read it yet. I am looking forward to the movie!
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#1113545 - 01/20/09 05:18 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? E.E.G.B
kms Offline
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I finally broke down and bought Scarpetta, but I am reading some other business books at the same time, so it is slow going.
Tag you're it!!

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#1113660 - 01/20/09 07:24 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? E.E.G.B
RR Joker Offline
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RR Joker
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Originally Posted By: The EGB
I read Inkheart and Inkspell over Christmas; I have Inkdeath but haven't read it yet. I am looking forward to the movie!

I had no idea there were more...I'll have to make a note of that.
My opinion only. Not legal advice.

Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#1116896 - 01/25/09 09:19 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Joker
kms Offline
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Has anyone read The Shack? I just ordered it and was wondering what others thought of it.
Tag you're it!!

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#1117121 - 01/26/09 04:50 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? kms
Dip Offline
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OK, so the only thing I'es read lately are the CAMS study guide and Cosmetology textbooks, but I read ANgels and Demons years ago and thought it was fantastic--better than the DaVinci Code (which I read after Angels and Demons). Anyway, I am super psyched because I saw preview for the Angels and Demons movie this weekend--yay! I didn't knwo there were plans to make it a movie. I hope it is as good as the book!!!
Dabbling in banking, law, accounting...the life of a trustee.

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#1117159 - 01/26/09 05:21 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? kms
buggs Offline
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Originally Posted By: kms
Has anyone read The Shack? I just ordered it and was wondering what others thought of it.

I'm about halfway through this book. I like it because it is making me think about things that I once took for granted. That's a good thing. By and large, I agree with 95% of what I've read.

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#1117160 - 01/26/09 05:22 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? buggs
kms Offline
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Thanks Bugs
Tag you're it!!

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#1117470 - 01/26/09 09:57 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? kms
Queen Mum Offline
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Originally Posted By: kms
Has anyone read The Shack? I just ordered it and was wondering what others thought of it.

I am in the process. Our Sunday School class is doing a study using the book.

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#1121047 - 02/02/09 04:54 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? Queen Mum
E.E.G.B Offline
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Read Plum Spooky over the weekend. Not overly impressed, not nearly enough Ranger (or Joe), and no real explanation for why Carl was the way he was. The ending felt a bit abrupt as well.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#1121074 - 02/02/09 05:11 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? E.E.G.B
NancyF Offline
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I just finished Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. It is a group of short stories which take place in a small town in Maine. Olive Kitteridge is a school teacher in the town and kind of ties the stories together. I found it very well-written and will look for other books by this author.

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#1121084 - 02/02/09 05:21 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? NancyF
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I am reading Southern Cross, by Cornwell
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#1121152 - 02/02/09 06:19 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? E.E.G.B
RR Becca Offline
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RR Becca
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out of the frying pan...
Originally Posted By: The EGB
Read Plum Spooky over the weekend. Not overly impressed, not nearly enough Ranger (or Joe), and no real explanation for why Carl was the way he was. The ending felt a bit abrupt as well.

I still think it was WAY better than Fourteen. wink
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.

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#1121176 - 02/02/09 06:32 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Becca
RR Joker Offline
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RR Joker
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Okay spoilers please! I still have to read 14 and Spooky!
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Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#1121410 - 02/02/09 09:23 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Joker
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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I just finished The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian.

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#1121479 - 02/02/09 10:16 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? Hrothgar Geiger
RR Sarah Offline
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It is probably appropriate that I am posting after someone with the screen name Hrothgar...I finished Eldest last week. I have Brisingr but haven't started it yet.

I read Plum Lucky last week as well. I had Plum Spooky in my hands at the bookstore but I am having a hard time paying that much for a hardcover with less than 700 pages.
Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.

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#1121524 - 02/02/09 11:01 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Sarah
HRH Okie Banker Offline
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I just finished the entire series of "Agent Pendergast" from Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston.

I started with the Cabinet of Curiosities because of the reviews I saw on Amazon/Kindle and ended up having to go back and read all of them.

Loved them and now can't wait for the next one due in May.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.

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#1121617 - 02/03/09 01:43 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? HRH Okie Banker
RR Becca Offline
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RR Becca
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Sarah - I try to buy hardbacks at Walmart the day they come out. They're usually about 40-50% off cover price. Like today I'll be there on my lunch hour looking for the new Patricia Briggs book.

I've finally started reading Jim Butcher's "Dresden Files" series. Love it! It's kind of Harry Potter for grownups....if Harry grew up, moved to the US, had an overdeveloped sense of sarcasm, and decided to fight crime. grin
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.

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#1121697 - 02/03/09 03:09 PM Re: anyone reading any good books? RR Becca
RR Joker Offline
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RR Joker
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Getting close to finshing "Motor Mouth" and then will do #14 and Plum Spooky (thanks to RRB!)
My opinion only. Not legal advice.

Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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