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#1132154 - 02/18/09 09:50 PM
Re: American Idol
Mocha's Mom
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I'm sorry but getting Paula up and dancing is NOT an indication of talent. but it could be an indication of too much medication
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#1132268 - 02/19/09 05:19 AM
Re: American Idol
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Cincinnati, OH
My prediction: Alexis Grace, Danny Gokey, and Ricky Braddy go through, with Anoop finding a way to get a wild card in the end. Well, two out of three ain't bad. Did Simon's plea for people to vote for Michael do the trick, or was it the story from auditions? I guess now I just have to hope that there's a wild card slot for Anoop and Keith Braddy. Unfortunately, I think only one of them will get a wild card, and sadly, there's a chance Dramiana del Toro will get a wild card just for the ratings factor.
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#1132375 - 02/19/09 02:51 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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I was opting for Micheal over the Braddy, Anoop, et al....
Tatiana's teeth gross me dead. sick:
I don't repeat gossip, so listen closely...
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#1132425 - 02/19/09 03:52 PM
Re: American Idol
#Just Jay
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Cincinnati, OH
I was opting for Micheal over the Braddy, Anoop, et al....
Sure, you say that now. I don't see a comment about that prior to the announcement.
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#1132427 - 02/19/09 03:56 PM
Re: American Idol
#Just Jay
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Somewhere in the middle
Was anyone else surprised at how many "good" contestants were in the group last night. I think they should have spread them out some more.
Tatianna, eventhough she is annoying as bad breath, can sing. I just think Simon figured, get rid of her now so we don't have to listen to her laugh anymore.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1132431 - 02/19/09 04:01 PM
Re: American Idol
DD Regs
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Cincinnati, OH
Was anyone else surprised at how many "good" contestants were in the group last night. I think they should have spread them out some more.
Tatianna, eventhough she is annoying as bad breath, can sing. I just think Simon figured, get rid of her now so we don't have to listen to her laugh anymore. The competition amongst the guys this week was STIFF. We'll see how the other two sets do. As far as Simon and Tatianna, I can see him using his wildcard pick to put her through just to add some drama (and gain ratings) to the competition.
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#1132450 - 02/19/09 04:16 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
so how does this work? 3 of 12 for 3 weeks, and then who gets a wildcard pick, all 4 judges?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1132466 - 02/19/09 04:23 PM
Re: American Idol
Pale Rider
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Cincinnati, OH
so how does this work? 3 of 12 for 3 weeks, and then who gets a wildcard pick, all 4 judges? I'm not sure how they are picking the final 3 wildcards, to get to the top 12. I know they are doing a top girl, top guy, 2nd highest vote gainer each week to get the first 9. My guess is that Simon will bully through his pick, and the other three will compromise on the other two?
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#1132471 - 02/19/09 04:25 PM
Re: American Idol
DD Regs
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Western MA
There are just a lot of good singers this year. I've been impressed so far with some of the talent. Please, oh please, don't let Tatiana get the wild card slot. Even when she isn't laughing she is annoying just to look at. The way she was drama queening it up for the cameras last night made me sick.  Why does she think that she wants this anymore than anyone else in the competition? Every time she tells someone how bad she wants it I just want to smack her. They ALL want it or they wouldn't be subjecting themselves to the torture of it all!!
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#1132532 - 02/19/09 05:00 PM
Re: American Idol
Mocha's Mom
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Mocha's Mom, I agree with you 100%. I was annoyed that after the final result, the cameras kept going to her. You know what, I'd prefer to see Danny celebrating the fact that he did get chosen than her boo-hooing that she didn't!
I have a really bad feeling that there is a wild card in her future.
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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#1132543 - 02/19/09 05:07 PM
Re: American Idol
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I agree - the girl has had all the national tv exposure she needs. I'm tired of all the drama and I bet the contestants are glad she is gone. I'll be "sick" if she gets in on the wildcard pick.. Maybe we should e-mail them and tell them "we" don't want her back. HA
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#1132544 - 02/19/09 05:09 PM
Re: American Idol
Platinum Poster
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Posts: 679
I agree that I'll bet the others are glad she is gone. Did you notice that when she and Danny went on stage for the results, there was none of the traditional "hand holding" as they awaited the results? Was Danny perhaps afraid that a little "crazy" might rub off????
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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#1132614 - 02/19/09 06:01 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 14,390
I was opting for Micheal over the Braddy, Anoop, et al....
Sure, you say that now. I don't see a comment about that prior to the announcement. I am sorry, I didn't realize that we were all suppose to submit our picks to you weekly prior to the results show for your approval. I thought one over-inflated personal synopsis of each singers performance was enough each week... didn't see the need for all of us to do it. 
I don't repeat gossip, so listen closely...
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#1132617 - 02/19/09 06:05 PM
Re: American Idol
#Just Jay
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With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1132619 - 02/19/09 06:07 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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Turnpike Exit 10
^^^^ stalker
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#1132624 - 02/19/09 06:14 PM
Re: American Idol
Retired DQ
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^^^humung-o hair^^^
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1132634 - 02/19/09 06:29 PM
Re: American Idol
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jun 2004
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Western MA
I agree that I'll bet the others are glad she is gone. Did you notice that when she and Danny went on stage for the results, there was none of the traditional "hand holding" as they awaited the results? Was Danny perhaps afraid that a little "crazy" might rub off???? I did notice that. I can't imagine that any of them want to spend much time in her company. I thought on the competition night she actually looked drugged. I figured someone slipped her a downer just to keep the hysterical laughter to a minimum. When she kept trying to say that she was not like the way she appeared in Hollywood week just seemed like it was done for dramatic effect. She thought people would appreciate her more if she was calmer. Never in a million years. I honestly don't see Simon putting her in the wild card spot because it looked like he wanted to smack her every time he saw her. I felt bad for Danny that he couldn't really appear happy - I think he was definitely afraid of the freak standing next to him (no, not Ryan Seacrest - this time anyway). But even if he did appear happy no one would have seen it.
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#1132795 - 02/19/09 09:05 PM
Re: American Idol
Diamond Poster
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The O.C., California
I agree that I'll bet the others are glad she is gone. Did you notice that when she and Danny went on stage for the results, there was none of the traditional "hand holding" as they awaited the results? Was Danny perhaps afraid that a little "crazy" might rub off???? When those two were called up, Danny was holding both hands behind his back, and he kept them there. Smart man!
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.
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#1133268 - 02/20/09 04:49 PM
Re: American Idol
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Personally, I'm hoping for a wild card show, where they bring back 12 people that didn't make it, they all get one more chance, and we vote again for the best three to move on... That way, Tatiana doesn't stand a chance to be in the top 12, because nobody in the voting public will vote for her.  Unless, I guess, the 'vote for the worst' crowd builds more momentum by that time...
The beatings will continue until morale improves...
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