There is a requirement that if you use the FDIC disclosure in an ad in other than English, the FDIC must approve it. Your question is if this and the EHL may be in English when the rest of the ad is in another language. I would believe that you could, especially if you use the FDIC logo instead of the "Member FDIC." The FDIC logo and "house and equal sign" are easily distinguishable. If you were in China and saw red lettering with a large golden "M" (with nice arches at the humps) above it you would recognize that as McDonalds.
I do not believe that you would be subject to any deceptive claim if this were not in the same language as the ad content. These are protective disclosures, not something like a hidden fee that would have a cost to the customer.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell