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#1323608 - 01/13/10 04:05 PM CRA Credit
Random Offline
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Joined: Jun 2008
Posts: 287
Are there enities that are predetermined if you give/loan/invest to them you will get CRA credit becuase they are a CRA approved entitiy? I was told these exist, but I cannot find them or possibly I don't know how to properly search for them. Thanks.

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#1324077 - 01/13/10 08:30 PM Re: CRA Credit Random
Bullseye Offline
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Not that I am aware of. We have always been required to prove each entity we provide donations/loans/services to meet the definitions of community development.

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#1324274 - 01/13/10 10:28 PM Re: CRA Credit Bullseye
Pale Rider Offline
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under the Lone Star
I can't see the regulators endorsing any nonprofits; it's all case by case requiring the full documentary requirements on the bank pursuant to its performance context and meeting the identified needs in a communnity.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.

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#1324282 - 01/13/10 10:34 PM Re: CRA Credit Pale Rider
Len S Offline
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There is no official list of approved organizations or non-profits that qualify for CD under CRA. And even if there was you still have to be careful about what and where you loan or contribution goes in order to get credit for CD under CRA
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#1324285 - 01/13/10 10:37 PM Re: CRA Credit Random
Kathleen O. Blanchard Offline

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Kathleen O. Blanchard
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 21,293
Originally Posted By: K-Roo
Are there enities that are predetermined if you give/loan/invest to them you will get CRA credit becuase they are a CRA approved entitiy? I was told these exist, but I cannot find them or possibly I don't know how to properly search for them. Thanks.

Those saying this may be referring to the types of investments and loans given as examples, such as investments in CDFIs (community development financial institutions). However, you still have to write it up and discuss how your investment will be used (to promote low/mod income housing, to benefit small businesses, etc.) The regulators actually discussed this in the 2009 FAQs, declining to give a blanket "credit" for CDFI transactions.
Kathleen O. Blanchard, CRCM "Kaybee"
HMDA/CRA Training/Consulting/Mapping
The HMDA Academy

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#1324881 - 01/14/10 07:52 PM Re: CRA Credit Kathleen O. Blanchard
bubs63 Offline
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I agree, it may be easier to get credit for working with a CDFI, but that only means it will be easier to document to get credit.

"truth does not occur in the database" - Actual search result on a goverment website

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#1327028 - 01/20/10 02:20 PM Re: CRA Credit bubs63
Karen Tucker Offline
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Washington, DC
The CRA Q&As give a few specific examples of things that qualify, like investments in CDFIs, NMTC, low-income housing tax credits, SBICs, RBICs, as long as geo requirements are met. See Q&A ___ .12(t)-4

for CD Loans, look at ___ .12(h) - 1, and for CD services look at .12(i) - 3.

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