If you are using the OCC APR calculator, you have to enter each one of the payment streams.
Exactly right. Since FHA loans have annually decreasing premiums, your disclosable payment schedule that looks like this:
120 monthly payments varying from $1113.99 to $1165.98
3 monthly payments of $1112.11
236 payments of $1101.90
1 payment of $1101.73must be entered into APRWIN like this:
12 @ 1165.98
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ [next lower premium amount + P&I]
12 @ 1113.99
3 @ 1112.11
236 @ 1101.90
1 @ 1101.73If your records do not contain all of the MI premium amounts in effect in years 2 - 9 (or the full payments for those years) you do not have evidence of compliance and are violating Section 226.25 of Regulation Z.