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#138431 - 12/11/03 04:52 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
thomasj Offline
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I only snore when I have a cold, and I tried the nose strips with vicks on them to help. Well when I woke up the next morning my wife was on the couch, and ready to kill me! She said she tried repeatedly to wake me, but I would just snore louder. Imagine how bad it would have been without the strips..............
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#138432 - 12/11/03 04:53 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Happy Birthday DawgFan Offline
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I know my hubby didn't record it because he is technologically challenged.

However, you have kids, maybe your husband put them up to it. About the sleep apnea- my father has that. In addition to the machine, which he used for a while, you can also have surgery for it, which he has had.
Opinions expressed are solely my own.

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#138433 - 12/11/03 05:05 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
deppfan Offline
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All over the map.

Anyone ever tried those nose strips?

Yep, and throat spray, and nasal spray, and all types of earplugs for him... And you know, Tessa Beth could have recorded it for him, but the look on her face when I fessed up to hearing myself told me that she didn't do it.
Last edited by elena; 12/11/03 05:07 PM.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#138434 - 12/11/03 05:26 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Queen Mum Offline
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I love it! Now, could you get our CSRs to realize that!!!

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#138435 - 12/11/03 05:55 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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I voted this morning. Can I please have one large Irish coffee please. I'm about to freeze!!! Not used to these 20° mornings yet.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#138436 - 12/11/03 06:06 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
zaibatsu Offline
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Here is one for the Clabatsu Catch Phrase contest:
"Where everboby knows you name...street of birth...and TIN."

You know we had something like that when we first opened, but I could not remember how it went and no one entered it. I still like it.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#138437 - 12/11/03 07:28 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three

Are you referring to my Cheers theme song?

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#138438 - 12/11/03 07:48 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
zaibatsu Offline
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Yes, CubDave, we had our own little take on that, but we may have been referring to "the Know-Your-Customer Bar."
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#138439 - 12/11/03 08:15 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Runin' Reb Offline
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I just voted and think I'll get a head start on my vacation...hmmmm, lets see...leaving from LA and going on a cruise to Mexico....I think I'll start with "mexican surfer"...any other suggestions?

"Saying what we think gives us a wider conversational range than saying what we know"

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#138440 - 12/11/03 08:30 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
MackenzieS Offline
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So when do we get the results of the poll?

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#138441 - 12/11/03 08:39 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Nanwa Offline
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Those nose strips seem to work for me when I am congested with a cold. Otherwise, I believe my snoring is in my throat. And I snore more with ear plugs in, cause I can't hear myself and don't wake myself up! Crazy!
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#138442 - 12/11/03 08:44 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
zaibatsu Offline
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LOL! My wax earplug solution for snoring was not for you, but for your husband. They do cut out significant noise.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#138443 - 12/11/03 08:54 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Nanwa Offline
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But then I wake HIM instead of his waking ME!
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#138444 - 12/11/03 09:30 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
I voted yesterday....had an "interesting" afternoon after a pretty good jagerschnitzel for lunch. I'd really like a shot of jagermeister (to go with my jagerschnitzel) and, if Elena will share her pot of coffee, an Irish Coffee. Thanks!

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#138445 - 12/11/03 09:43 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Mr. Clean Offline
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jagermeister (to go with my jagerschnitzel)

I suddenly feel very German! Shall we drink this dark German Beer first? Afterwards we can warm up the Kareokee machine and sing from the "Sound of Music" disc......
May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows you're gone!!

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#138446 - 12/11/03 09:45 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Mr. C--I'll split a HefeWeizen with you....I can't handle too much of it, so I gotta go easy.

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#138447 - 12/11/03 09:54 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Mr. Clean Offline
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Mr. C--I'll split a HefeWeizen with you....I can't handle too much of it, so I gotta go easy.

Since you put it that way: "Hey Maria get out the funnel and the spinning chair for the lightweight!!" Kareokee should be VERY interesting my friend!!!

I think we will start you off with: Puppy Love
May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows you're gone!!

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#138448 - 12/11/03 10:04 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...

"Hey Maria get out the funnel and the spinning chair for the lightweight

I'm already turning green

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#138449 - 12/11/03 10:05 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
On that note, I'll be over at the pool table....let me know when that coffee is available. Thank you, kind sir.

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#138450 - 12/11/03 10:07 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Mr. Clean Offline
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On that note, I'll be over at the pool table....let me know when that coffee is available. Thank you, kind sir.

The coffee is good and fresh, and I'll gladly rack 'em for you, but you have a date with the microphone over there first....
May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows you're gone!!

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#138451 - 12/11/03 10:12 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Alright, alright....but "Puppy Love"? Can I at least get some Garth Brooks or something I might be able to handle? Which one of you lovely ladies will do a duet with me? "Squeeze Me In" is one of my personal favorites....after I'm done with this jager, of course! Liquid courage.

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#138452 - 12/11/03 10:13 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Alien Offline
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Ok - I don't know if anyone sees this or not - but these two guys are into franchising now!

There are three bars on this street now!

Anyway, as long as they all have goat milk - what do I care!

Is tiny any bigger in this bar or are you two still feeding him the stunting steroid!!

If you have enough, would you know?

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#138453 - 12/11/03 10:30 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
MackenzieS Offline
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Where is that Maria? I wonder if she fully recovered from yesterday? I think she should hop right back on that horse that knocked her off. As I am getting ready to go to my Christmas party and then off to shop, shop, shop! Yeah!

As I will be gone tomorrow...everyone have a great and safe weekend and keep the drinks smooth and flowing...I hope that Cleabatsus III enjoys a prosperous Friday.

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#138454 - 12/11/03 10:31 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three

Have a great weekend, Mac! Thanks for keeping my chair nice and warm!

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#138455 - 12/11/03 10:34 PM Re: Welcome to Cleabatsu's-Part Three
Clint,,,,, Offline
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Afternoon all,,,,

Hey Mr.C,,,set me up. Glad to see you move out of that old stinky place. Too many crushed olives in the floor. I like to a never got em out!!! Yes, I voted for Maria's tag,,,it's the best, IMHO. Where is the "Little Devil",,anyhow?????

Don't forget the beer,,,you know for the horse.
"Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"

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