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#138745 - 12/11/03 04:34 PM
GFE & Required Service Provider question
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,722
While conducting a recent audit, we have realized that none of our GFEs (Good Faith Estimates) have any Required Service Provider information on them. Minimally I believe that we should be putting the credit bureau and Flood Hazard Determination companies on the form. Why? Because according to RESPA it meets the test that we have "Repeatedly used these service providers over the past 12 months." - We do not use anyone else. During discussions with Loan Operations/Lending personnel they state that "We do not REQUIRE a customer to use any company. If they wanted us to use another company for flood determinations, then we would." I know during our last compliance exam with the FDIC this came up, however I was not part of the whole conversation and eventually we did not get cited for not doing this. The Loan Ops mgr said the FDIC asked if we had a contract with Horizon and we told them "No" and this pacified the FDIC? My point of view is that it is irrelevant that you have a contract for the services, the litmus test is one of the three criteria as stated in the regulation, one of which we meet as I described above. Am I missing something here? To me it is pretty cut and dried, but personnel state that they don't want to have to put Required Service Provider information on the GFE because it could have a trickle down effect that we would be required to maintain a "controlled list" of providers for all services where we really do let the customer use whomever they choose. I am trying to keep these issues seperate, but they keep comingling them together. Anyones advice would be greatly appreciated. I hope I have not confused the issue.
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#138746 - 12/11/03 04:53 PM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 47,857
Bloomington, IN
FWIW, I agree with you. We list the Credit Bureaus, Flood Determination Vendor, and PMI companies and for the appraisers on line 803 we reference we have a lender controlled list.
If the customer has to ask to use a different flood vendor, and get real must customers don't even know what a flood vendor does or that you are even pulling a flood determination until after the fact, and you're not offering them a choice then you are requiring their use.
I also assume Horizon is your flood vendor, why would you do your flood determination without a contract? Without a contract they have no liability to you.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#138748 - 12/11/03 06:10 PM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 13,965
Then how do you know your flood vendor guarantees their determinations? I thought a contract was required?
My Opinions Only
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#138749 - 12/11/03 06:34 PM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 47,857
Bloomington, IN
Mac, been there as I think all COs have been.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#138751 - 12/11/03 06:59 PM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 424
Pacific NW
So based on your original scenerio, what do you do for title companies? Usually, there are only a limited number of companies that you would use repeatedly over the twelve months. I've always listed flood as a required item, but title search companies as an option to customer and not as a required provider. Even though there are a limited number and most customers won't request a specific one (except in a purchase agreement). So I don't think that repeated use always means required.
Liability for taking my advice is limited to the amount you paid for it.
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#138753 - 12/11/03 08:06 PM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 382
Way Out West
Mac, I was a consumer (not commercial) lender for over 25 years and supervised an LPO-Loan Production Office for 5 years and I would agree with Dan.
Also, it would seem to me that regardless of what is being "said",,,,the fact is that your bank has established a "pattern and a practice" that would lead an examiner to believe that your bank is "requiring" your loan applicants to use the specified flood vender and credit bureau. When you look at the regulation (with emphasis added) it would seem to me that your bank has put the customer in a "must use" situation.
Required use means a situation in which a person must use a particular provider of a settlement service in order to have access to some distinct service or property, and the person will pay for the settlement service of the particular provider or will pay a charge attributable, in whole or in part, to the settlement service. However, the offering of a package (or combination of settlement services) or the offering of discounts or rebates to consumers for the purchase of multiple settlement services does not constitute a required use. Any package or discount must be optional to the purchaser. The discount must be a true discount below the prices that are otherwise generally available, and must not be made up by higher costs elsewhere in the settlement process.
Last edited by Clint,,,,,; 12/11/03 08:48 PM.
"Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"
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#138755 - 12/16/03 02:15 AM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2000
Posts: 18,765
Central City, NE
Anyone ever gone through HUD on a policy clarification?
Stop it! You're killing me!
One time I wrote a letter to HUD for clarification. I began calling most every day because I hadn't heard from them. All I could get was voice mail. I would leave messages and no one would ever call me back. One day I called 17 times and left 17 messages. No one ever called me back.
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#138757 - 12/16/03 02:57 PM
Re: GFE & Required Service Provider question
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,722
Anyone ever gone through HUD on a policy clarification?
Stop it! You're killing me!
One time I wrote a letter to HUD for clarification. I began calling most every day because I hadn't heard from them. All I could get was voice mail. I would leave messages and no one would ever call me back. One day I called 17 times and left 17 messages. No one ever called me back.
David, You do not give me much confidence in them. Hey, if they respond to my email do you want me to have them call you?
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