Annually we have surveyed non-profits, churches, governemental entities, health care providers, United way agencies, etc. with an in-house questionnaire that asks the organizations to rate the condition of housing within the community, do you think people understand how to purchase a home or know how to obtain a home improvement loan? Are you aware of other financing and grant programs available within the community? Would you like information on these programs? Do you have any suggestions for the financial institution to better promote loan programs? What can the bank do to make the quality of life in your community better in housing and other areas- provide more info about types of loans available, advertise more, provide lower interest loans/mortgages/ sponsor community activities, provide seminars or incentives for first time buyers.
Would your organization be interested in partnering on a project with the bank? What do you think would be the best project/event the bank should be come involved in that would benefit our community.
These surveys have been done to the same organizations year after year. I am looking for a fresh approach to ascertaining community needs. Please provide either a new survey or a new approach for lenders and branch managers to contact community represenatives.