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#144941 - 01/02/04 05:54 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
You go girl! Can't wait to see you smoke-free on day 3. One day at a time!
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#144943 - 01/02/04 06:18 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 7,792
What you did is hard, but one of the best things you could do. Better health, saves money, no more cigarette burns on clothes.
Way to go - Pat yourself on the back.
Integrity. With it, nothing else matters. Without it, nothing else matters.
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#144947 - 01/02/04 07:55 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2002
Posts: 20,656
The Swamp
You know Bonnie, that was a good thought about the water. My ex mother-in-law quit smoking years ago. Every time she got the urge, she would drink a glass of tap water (no ice). She figured not only was it good for you, but it got you mind off of it at the worst moment and at the same time helped clense her body more quickly of the withdrawal symptoms! I haven't made it to quitting yet, but it sure is on my mind alot.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#144949 - 01/02/04 08:14 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Platinum Poster
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 798
Good luck Elena. We're all pulling for you.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown
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#144950 - 01/02/04 08:26 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Good luck Elena - I am hoping to join the bandwagon starting monday.
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#144952 - 01/02/04 08:41 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 5,045
Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Elena, you're our hero (horoine, I suppose, but that just doesn't sound like a good thing  ) I've never smoked and have always been really bothered by it (my parents smoked and my step(Elena hates that word)dad died from cancer in 1990). One of my biggest pet-peeves is going to a club, seeing a beautiful, well-dressed, classy woman light up. It's just always been a turnoff for me. I have a lot of friends who fit that description. Mostly, I come home from a club and my clothes smell like smoke, making my room, my pillow, my car all smell like smoke. That's helped me not want to start. Congratulations to you, Elena, for making this BIG decision by and for yourself. You'll love life even more for it!! (choking back a tear) "That's my girl".
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#144954 - 01/02/04 09:01 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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#144955 - 01/02/04 09:13 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 8,458
Good luck Elena - I am hoping to join the bandwagon starting monday.
Same here Dave, Monday is the target for me.
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#144957 - 01/02/04 09:16 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Good luck Elena - I am hoping to join the bandwagon starting monday.
Same here Dave, Monday is the target for me.
A couple of procrastinators we are, huh Pam?
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#144959 - 01/02/04 09:30 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Diamond Poster
Joined: Dec 2003
Posts: 2,164
All around us do we seek, The way of life, of which wise men speak.
This modern world has lost its way, in which the Ancient Ones have nought to say.
The weakness of the human psyche made strong by 'ISMS' and by 'NIKE'.
This, not for me, where is the real way? Where every human can have his/her day.
Experimental tries wrought nothing, Ban the Bomb! Etceteras! Frothing!
Ah! But here! This white cylinder, perhaps? A phylactery? Light one up, the lungs collapse!
Too late! Too-bacco! I have been taken by the weed And found in its addictive grasp, a total need.
And not all that's broken is my purse Its made me sick, my health to nurse (This road leads early to the hearse!).
Before it's too late I'd better quit, Regain my health, once more be fit!
It's best to seek the truth elsewhere in life, Than to find oneself under a surgeons knife!
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#144960 - 01/03/04 12:39 AM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 7,792
Another reason - from 8 ways to save money in 2004
". . .3) Go ashless, save a bundle. If you quit smoking, you can save tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime, to say nothing of improving your health, and feeling -- and smelling -- better.
A 40-year-old woman who normally smokes a pack a day can save nearly $1,300 in her first smoke-free year, according to, an online support group.
Your insurance will cost you less too. A 30-year-old man who takes out a $250,000, 20-year term life insurance policy issued by ING would pay $988 a year if he's a smoker, but only $317 if he kicks the habit. . ."
I stopped from 3 packs a day about XX years ago. The best comment was from my wife - "Now I don't feel like I'm kissing an ashtray!"
Integrity. With it, nothing else matters. Without it, nothing else matters.
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#144961 - 01/03/04 03:16 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 5,184
All over the map.
Saturday, 1/3/04, around 9:00 am STILL SMOKE FREE! I figure that I am 57 hrs. in, and at midnight tonight, if the research is right, the physical addiction will be over. After that, it is all mental. I feel so good this morning, both physically and emotionally. I've decided to actually send Trace a check at the end of each month in the amount that I save by not smoking, and have her put it into a wedding fund. That way, if there are things she wants to start getting, she can. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I know that with a strong support system, this is the year that I finally break the addiction.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#144963 - 01/05/04 02:25 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Power Poster
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 5,184
All over the map.
Okay, I got past the first weekend! It's got to be all the prayers and support, because, although it hasn't been easy, it has not been nearly as difficult to stop as it has been in the past. Dave, Pam, will you be joining me in the non-smoking section for lunch today? That reminds me, T-Girl and I went out for breakfast after mass yesterday, and when they asked if we wanted smoking or non-smoking, she said "I've waited my whole life to say this: NON-SMOKING" We got a few stares, and a few smiles, and I got a big hug from her, In Public no less! I knew at that moment that the struggle was soooooooooooo worth it!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#144964 - 01/05/04 03:52 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 13,965
It is definitely worth it Elena. With me - I wanted to quit and really had no problems. It's been 2+ years now and I never have a desire to smoke any more. It's wonderful.
My Opinions Only
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