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#144990 - 01/06/04 09:06 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Queen Mum Offline
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Elena, I just saw something on QVC this weekend that might help. It's call "X-O" or something like that. It's supposed to take out all kinds of odors. A lady on the phone said that she used to smoke and used it in her car and it took that horrible smell out!

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#144991 - 01/07/04 02:26 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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Okay, I said yesterday I would only post once a week, but I just gotta share.... I had a dream last night that I smoked a cigarette. I was so mad at myself that I started crying. I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell everyone, and I was really just so mad at myself. Then I woke up, and was still mad, until I realized it was a dream, then I started laughing. My husband thinks I'm nuts (that's not really a new thing though), and T-girl thought it was hysterical. Thus, the post. One week under my belt and no smokers breath, whiter teeth, and another reason to smile!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#144992 - 01/07/04 02:46 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking

When I got in my car last night and reached for that butt for the drive home, I thought of elena. I drove home and back to work this morning smoke free and used that time to say a prayer for elena's success. I'm not ready to stop yet, but it's my small way of showing support (also my car will smell better!)

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#144993 - 01/07/04 02:46 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Pup Offline
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#144994 - 01/07/04 02:56 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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Thanks NJRed! That's so cool. When you are ready, let me know and I'll support you also.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#144995 - 01/07/04 03:10 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking

Like a diet, the start date is always vaguely in the future. Right now I'm working on a carton I bought in Virgina for $17.99 (vs $54 in NJ). I'm thinking when I'm done with these, I'll invest in patches, gum, lozenges, oh, and Crest white strips!

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#144996 - 01/07/04 03:15 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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Like a diet, the start date is always vaguely in the future. Right now I'm working on a carton I bought in Virgina for $17.99 (vs $54 in NJ). I'm thinking when I'm done with these, I'll invest in patches, gum, lozenges, oh, and Crest white strips!

The Crest white strips have been one of my biggest motivators. I also bought a new toothbrush that I keep with me, and believe it or not, having fresh minty breath works much better that any gum, candy, or even the sunflower seeds that I have been touting.

Are you serious about the $54.00 a carton? Man, I guess rural Oklahoma does have some advantages. (Not that I'm ever gonna take advantage of that again... )
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#144997 - 01/07/04 03:19 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking

Sad to say, NJ has the highest cigarette tax in the nation. I think we're at $2.51 per pack. If for no other reason, I should quit just to stop paying the taxes!

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#144998 - 01/07/04 03:29 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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Sad to say, NJ has the highest cigarette tax in the nation. I think we're at $2.51 per pack. If for no other reason, I should quit just to stop paying the taxes!

There's no time like the present......
nobody can tell you when it's your time to quit. My husband can't quite look me in the eye right now, since he hasn't been able to stop yet. He always said that he couldn't quit if I still smoked! When I quit, he said he would only smoke in his den (which the big T-girl has named Smokey Joe's Cafe), but he is still smoking elsewhere in the house. I don't hold this against him. He's just not ready. When you are ready, you will know it. It won't be because somebody else wants you to, or because you KNOW you should, or for any other reason except that you are ready to make a willed committment to yourself. Again, thanks for the prayers, because I have tried to quit several times, and I'm a little freaked out that it has been so much easier this time. It has to be "all the voices gathered in his name".
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#144999 - 01/07/04 03:48 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking

Yeah, all those angels packed into one good smelling car (one accord)-different thread

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#145000 - 01/07/04 03:49 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#145001 - 01/07/04 04:09 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Wore Out Offline
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I must say congrats to you. I quit 2 years ago and used the patch. It's hard to quit cold turkey. It took me a couple of attempts over 19 years to finally kick the habit. You are absolutely right, only you can determine when it's right for you. I thankfully had the support of many friends and family when I really, really committed to it. I wish you all the luck in the world. One thing that always aggrevated me was the advice I got from everyone, especially non-smokers! All that aside, what helped me was convincing myself that I had to have the "Patch" because I was sick. If I didn't have the patch I wouldn't get well. And, if I smoked, it would make me even more sick. It was all mental from there on out! Stay with it, it will get easier!
Not even close to being legal advice....I have a bridge for sale too!

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#145002 - 01/07/04 04:43 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
zaibatsu Offline
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Hey, one week under your belt. How much money have you saved (or spent on CDs) that would have gone into the ash tray.

And how many butts are not on the roadway. Confession is good for the soul Elena. I don't know a smoker who does not throw their butts out the car window. How about you? (Don't feel obligated to incriminate yourself.)
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#145003 - 01/07/04 05:13 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
P*Q Offline

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Z-I do not throw butts out the window, I keep a water bottle filled with a little water and put them in there. I HATE smokers that throw butts out the window.

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#145004 - 01/07/04 05:44 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Compliance Buzz Offline
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Keep going Elena, you can do it!!!!!!!

Friday is day 100 for me!! After that I'm going to stop counting days and move into months. Hopefully, one of these days I can put it in terms of years.
My opinion is free: sometimes you get what you pay for; sometimes you get lucky.

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#145005 - 01/07/04 06:05 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
zaibatsu Offline
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Ok, now I know one cigarette smoker who doesn't throw butts out the window.
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#145006 - 01/07/04 06:40 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Ok, now I know one cigarette smoker who doesn't throw butts out the window.

Make that two. I even carry an ashtray to the beach rather than leaving the butts in the sand.

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#145007 - 01/07/04 07:20 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
zaibatsu Offline
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Don't you just once want to see a cigarette butt thrown out a window get blown back in? I honk occasionally when I see it. I don't know if they get the connection, but it makes me feel a little better. When stopped at a light once, I thought about getting out, picking it up, and saying "I think you dropped this." But then I decided that I must have a hole in my head to even consider it. And there is no reason to have two holes in my head.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#145008 - 01/07/04 07:22 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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Hey, one week under your belt. How much money have you saved (or spent on CDs) that would have gone into the ash tray.

And how many butts are not on the roadway. Confession is good for the soul Elena. I don't know a smoker who does not throw their butts out the car window. How about you? (Don't feel obligated to incriminate yourself.)

$14.00 in the TLL/MET wedding fund since I bought my Misty Light 120's at the Indian Smoke Shop for $19.75 a carton, and smoked just about a pack a day. (The CD's were rewards.... Hey I needed a little SELFISH incentive too, and since I love music...... )

As for throwing butts out of the window...............GUILTY AS CHARGED And what is so ironic about that is that I NEVER litter except for that. (I won't do it when we are having a drought, or just haven't had rain in awhile. I can't stand the thought of starting a fire.) I will go out of my way to pick up litter that isn't mine, but, you are right.............the roadways will be minus several butts now. ( Hey, whatta ya know, Father Kevin was right, confession is good for the soul, I feel much better now )
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#145009 - 01/07/04 07:23 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
JacF Offline

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Don't you just once want to see a cigarette butt thrown out a window get blown back in?

This happened to me about 12 years ago. The still-burning butt landed between my back and my seat. It ruined the seat and my shirt- not to mention the nice little burn it left on my back! Yes, I learned my lesson.

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#145010 - 01/07/04 07:32 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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Keep going Elena, you can do it!!!!!!!

Friday is day 100 for me!! After that I'm going to stop counting days and move into months. Hopefully, one of these days I can put it in terms of years.

Cool, I'm pulling for you also! 100 days, I'm looking forward to that milestone!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#145011 - 01/07/04 07:32 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
zaibatsu Offline
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This is puzzling! People who would not throw lint out the window of a car will throw cigarette butts out. The risk to the value of the vehicle is greater than the risk to: children? dry fields? animals? etc...?

I don't smoke, but have to admit that when I was younger, I would smoke an occasional cigarette. Once when smoking in the car of a smoker friend (long ago), he threw his butt out his speeding-car window and I reluctantly followed suit. I felt horrible after doing it.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#145012 - 01/07/04 07:34 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
deppfan Offline
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I don't know how I justified it, I just know that I did, and like I said, I wouldn't ever throw anything else down!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#145013 - 01/07/04 07:45 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking

You people are harsh - wow. If throwing a cig. butt out my car window is the worst thing I ever do, then I can feel good about myself; I'm not saying it is the worst thing I ever do, and I am not saying I always do it because i don't, but I have and don't feel bad about that. Next thing you'll tell me is that I should not light my fireplace because of the pollutants to our air, or that I should walk to work, or that I should not use a dry cleaner. Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-environment, but throwing a butt out the window (in a responsible manner - away form motorcycles or convertibles ) is not the crime of the century. Plus, they are bio-degradable right??? Does everyone recycle EVERYTHING' that is recyclable?????? {by the way, I am not really serious about this post, but am just stepping up to admit that I am occasionally guilty, but also that I am not going to feel badly about it )

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#145014 - 01/07/04 08:14 PM Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Fork Ate Spoon Offline
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Congrats to a happier, healthier Elena (and to anyone else who has recently quit) Heres to your health

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