I haven't read it cover to cover, however the Executive Summary indicates:
The final rule on education loans indicates the agencies will consider low-cost education loans to low-income borrowers as a positive factor when assessing a financial institution's record of meeting community credit needs under the CRA. The rule:
Provides a definition of "low-income borrower" consistent with current CRA definitions (50 percent of area median income), including borrowers' and co-borrowers' income;
Defines "low-cost" based on the rates and fees charged under U. S. Department of Education lending programs;
Includes loans for higher education by accredited institutions listed by the U. S. Department of Education and loans covered by Truth in Lending protections;
Enables consideration of loans outside assessment areas if the needs are adequately addressed inside assessment areas; and
Does not require any institution to make low-cost loans to low-income students or change how consumer loans are otherwise considered during CRA evaluations.