Root canal, Reg. CC, root canal, Reg. CC. Well for once "CC" got my attention as I am doing an audit.
Two things I don't like:
1) One account (isolated) was revised the same day from a 5-day nonlocal hold to an 11-day exception because of bad deposits in the past. He deposited $3,500 and got cash back of $200. When we changed the hold in a central processing area that reviews these, they held $3,500. We didn't effectively give the first $100 and that would be OK under an exception hold, except that we'd already given $200 in the less cash. I don't know that we can net this out and hold other monies. Under .19(e)(i) we didn't exceed the deposit, but the timing was poor. I don't know that it caused any overdrafts or problems, I am focusing on holding other funds. What do you think?
2) If the Hold Notice says $100 was given, but it wasn't, and didn't need to be, would you cite this as a violation and under what cite specifically? It is misleading, but I'm not sure it is worth a cite.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell