Can a loan be counted as both? We have a refi of a HI of non profit housing corp that provides affordable housing to it's members. Would you classify it as HMDA reportable or a CRA community Development loan? Curious....
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.
Thanks Len! Can I ask you this? So I am going to include it in my HMDA submission and as a CDL too. We use CRA Wiz for submission. I seem to recall that for CRA submission, I list the total number and total amount of CD loans vs. listing the loans on the IRS. Am I correct?
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.
#1502787 - 01/31/1106:49 PMRe: Com Dev and HMDA? TINKerBell
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 778
I have used CRA WIZ and you are correct....list just the number and dollars of CD Loans. At exam time is when you show the details of your community development loans.