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#1518812 - 03/08/11 05:26 PM Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure
Banker57 Offline
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Posts: 439
I am participating in the Susan G. Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure August 19 – 21, 2011 in Minneapolis Minnesota.
Please help me reach my goal with a donation. You may donate at: Enter MARY SKUZA

In December I had back surgery and am still in my back brace until May 1st. I can then begin my training which will include a total of 495 miles by the time the event takes place.
We will walk 60 miles in 3 days, sleep in tents and shower in semi trucks. It will be hard but I am dedicated to this event.

I Walk:
Because cancer has touched all of our lives in some way, at some time.
Because I would like to help change that.
Because I would like to see a future where we do not see that our Mothers, Grandmothers, Daughters, Sisters, Wives, Nieces, Best Friends, Co-Workers, and any special woman in our lives coping with breast cancer.
Because I walk for those who cannot.

Your support means a better future for countless people. THANK YOU.

I will keep you posted on my training progress!
Last edited by Want2komply; 03/08/11 06:38 PM.
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#1518848 - 03/08/11 06:13 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure Banker57
Snow Bunny Offline
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Our friend is walking in Philly in October. Good luck W2K!
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep

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#1518941 - 03/08/11 08:29 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure Snow Bunny
CheshireAliCat Offline
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Congratulations - I hope you reach your goal. Good luck with your injury, too.
I have a team in the Susan B Komen 5K in NJ in May. It might be more of a walk-a-thon for me...

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#1520547 - 03/11/11 01:57 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure CheshireAliCat
Banker57 Offline
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Joined: Jul 2010
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Thanks for the support! It means a lot to me. Training is progressing,slowly. The hardest part is getting my legs to do what I want them to do!!! I am hoping the Doc will let me start some cross training in May.

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#1524991 - 03/22/11 02:02 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure Banker57
Banker57 Offline
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Joined: Jul 2010
Posts: 439
This year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure®.
I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men. Net proceeds from the 3-Day for the Cure are invested in community-based breast health programs and breast cancer research. The research funded focuses on decreasing breast cancer incidence and mortality in the next decade.

I've agreed to raise at least $2,300 in donations. So I need your help. Would you please consider making a donation? Keep in mind how far I'm walking - and how hard I'll have to train. You can donate online at Just click on Donate and search for my personal fundraising page. (Mary Skuza) Or print out the donation form and mail it to the address on the form. You can also call 800-996-3DAY to donate over the phone.

This past December I underwent major surgery to have my lower back rebuilt. I am still wearing a hard plastic back brace. Recovery has been up and down, mainly to get my legs to work properly again. Thru all this I decided that as low as I have felt at times it is nothing compared to the thousands of women and men faced with dealing with breast cancer. I cannot walk very well now but I WILL walk 60 miles to fight breast cancer.

Without a cure, one person will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States. That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me - by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
P.S. Ask your employer if they will double your donation through a matching gift program!
Last edited by Want2komply; 03/22/11 02:04 PM.
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#1536348 - 04/15/11 07:06 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure Banker57
corkygirl Offline
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middle of the country
Donated - bless you for walking w2k
Treading water in a hurricane

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#1536399 - 04/15/11 07:58 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure corkygirl
Banker57 Offline
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corkygirl - Thank you so much for your donation. It is people like you that inspire me. Your name is going on my shirt and you will walk the 60 miles with me.

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#1536544 - 04/16/11 07:12 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure Banker57
corkygirl Offline
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middle of the country
That would be nice and the only way I'd get to walk 60 miles these days. I did the 3-day the very first year when it was an Avon walk and loved every grueling mile of it. Training was my way of dealing with the end of my treatment and the death of my mother 6 months later. Hubby & I worked as crew the 2nd year - I swear that was harder work than walking but I still remember the feeling the first day when the first walker came to our pit stop - - there were 3/4 of us that had walked the year before and we all just wanted to head on down the trail with her. grin Enjoy the training and the walk and thanks for putting my name on your shirt.
Treading water in a hurricane

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#1540584 - 04/26/11 12:45 PM Re: Susan G Kohmen 3 Day Walk for the Cure corkygirl
Banker57 Offline
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Joined: Jul 2010
Posts: 439
I am getting close to my fundraising goal, only have $500 more to go! I am done with the back brace this week and am excited to be able to walk 'normal' again.
Thank you for your support and I will keep you posted!

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