There is an FAQ regarding modifications in low and moderate income areas and there is the new definition related to neighborhood stabilization programs:
§ll.12(g)(4)(i)—1: What activities
are considered to ‘‘revitalize or stabilize’’
a low- or moderate-income geography,
and how are those activities considered?
A1. Activities that revitalize or
stabilize a low- or moderate-income
geography are activities that help to
attract new, or retain existing,
businesses or residents. Examiners will
presume that an activity revitalizes or
stabilizes a low- or moderate-income
geography if the activity has been
approved by the governing board of an
Enterprise Community or Empowerment
Zone (designated pursuant to 26 U.S.C.
§ 1391) and is consistent with the
board’s strategic plan. They will make
the same presumption if the activity has
received similar official designation as
consistent with a federal, state, local, or
tribal government plan for the
revitalization or stabilization of the low or
moderate-income geography. For
example, foreclosure prevention
programs with the objective of
providing affordable, sustainable, long term
loan restructurings or
modifications to homeowners in low- or
moderate-income geographies,
consistent with safe and sound banking
practices, may help to revitalize or
stabilize those geographies.