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#161734 - 02/19/04 04:24 PM Reporting BSA activity to the Board
MackenzieS Offline
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Every year we submit a report to the Board to evidence BSA compliance. The report includes the following: 1) Number of CTRS filed, 2) Number of exemptions granted, 3) Number of active exemptions granted, 4) BSA training, 5) Exemption status review dates, 6) Other.

Does anyone else do this? I cannot find where this is required by the regulation. I think this is something we must have decided to do, but noone knows why. I am considering the recommendation that this report not be created any more. It takes a lot of time and it is something that the examiners could come back on at a later date. Any thoughts?

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#161735 - 02/19/04 04:48 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
John Burnett Offline
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John Burnett
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Documenting your BSA compliance activities is an excellent idea, whether it takes place as a report to your board or one to senior management makes no difference. It can even be just a note to your files to assist you in assessing the quality and quantity of what you're doing. It also can be a useful tool for audits and exams.

Having your board apprised of your BSA activities, however, is always a great idea. They are charged with knowing what's going on in this area, and having your report delivered to them -- even if it's only a written report that gets filed with the record -- helps document their involvement.

And it's never a bad idea for your activities on behalf of the bank's BSA effort to be documented for the board. It shows how valuable you are!
John S. Burnett
Fighting for Compliance since 1976
Bankers' Threads User #8

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#161736 - 02/19/04 05:04 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
P*Q Offline

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I agree with John Mack. My original thought was that we don't currently do it but I think it sounds like a good idea. It could only help you during an exam. BTW, love the new avatar, it's adorable!

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#161737 - 02/19/04 06:25 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
MackenzieS Offline
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I agree with John Mack. My original thought was that we don't currently do it but I think it sounds like a good idea. It could only help you during an exam. BTW, love the new avatar, it's adorable!

Well, if you and John really like the idea then.....ummmm..maybe I won't shred the report just yet. I was interested to know if/how other bank's were relating their compliance efforts to the board. Developing and maintaining this type of report takes a lot of effort on the part of the BSA officer (not me! whew!) and I was considering alterior ways to communicate the compliance effort.

So you like my little Leprechaun? He's kinda cute huh?

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#161738 - 02/19/04 06:39 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
Tisa Offline
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Do you know the way to ...
Our Supervisory Committe has asked for a monthly summary -- the Board doesn't really want to know.
Just a lowly 1st Year Law Student ("1L"), so don't take anything I say seriously!

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#161739 - 02/19/04 07:03 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
Pale Rider Offline
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Our executive committee charged with security matters receives such a report, but we would not burden our board package with this. They approve policy and charge our management to comply. Our internal auditors, external auditors and examiners all monitor BSA activity and report to the board their findings. That is enough for us. Our monthly board packages are huge as it is. It is a matter of personal choice at this point, so we have chosen to view this info as a management report. Whew !, let me get down off this soapbox now.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.

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#161740 - 02/19/04 07:10 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
MackenzieS Offline
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Don do you feel better now? If you want the truth, I dare say that the Directors even look at this report. It is a simple one page report put in the board packets once a year. Our bank is not large enough to warrant any type of oversight committees to report ongoing compliance efforts to, so the examiners like to see that we are keeping the Exec. Mgmt and directors up on our compliance activity.

I would just love to be a fly on the wall in these board meetings to know exactly what they do/do not discuss.

Oh, can get up on your soapbox anytime you want to! You always have good input that is appreciated.

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#161741 - 02/19/04 08:11 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board

We do similar reporting to our Board on a quarterly basis. In addition to the information originally addressed we also cover number of due diligence reviews, suspicious activity investigations, SARs filed, FinCEN & OFAC program matches, misc BSA/AML program activities and impact of any new regulations.

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#161742 - 06/15/05 12:06 AM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board

It's critical that there be a lot of board reporting on BSA, and the entire Anti-Money Laundering program. Examiners will find deficiencies if the BSA Officer has not informed the Directors on the overall report card and how well the bank is implementing/managing each area's BSA Compliance. An overall risk assessment and assessment by product line/ business line, is also important and shows that you (as BSA Officer) have looked at everything comprehensively.

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#161743 - 01/23/06 08:06 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
coho Offline
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I'm wondering if anyone is willing to post a sample of the report that they send to their board. I have to do one and am at a loss on how detailed to make it. My Board is still learning all this stuff so they are interested. Remember plagiary is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks in advance.

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#161744 - 01/23/06 10:28 PM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
devsfan Offline
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I suggest a simple report hte number of items filed and also a breakdown of category. If you have a small number of branches you might also want to give breakdown by branch. No customer detail, unless they request it.

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#161745 - 01/24/06 11:56 AM Re: Reporting BSA activity to the Board
Elwood P. Dowd Offline
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Elwood P. Dowd
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Your risk assessment, not a "requirement" when this thread was started, is going to include a synopsis of your CTR and SAR filing as well as an analysis of any notable trends. That should limit, if not eliminate, the need for any separate report.
In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.

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