FDIC did something funky? Shocking

You are allowed to take CD credit for projects outside of your assessment area (trade area is not a CRA term) IF you have adequetly attempted or met the needs of your assessment area, and the project serves a greater regional or statewide area.
Your examiners should not ask you if the credit is acceptable, they should determine it themselves from the data you submit. You should submit all data for deals that serve your assessment area, as well as a greater regional or statewide

area. You do need to show how you did meet or attempt to meet the needs within your area as well though, so as with most of the exam, this is a performance context issue.
Many of my deals are outside of my stated assessment area. Most of the deals that lead me to Outstanding are. I've served the needs of my AA very well, and found a need outside of my AA that no one else was meeting. For this reason, I take, and get approved, deals outside of my AA.