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#1648426 - 01/10/12 02:57 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Quatro Offline
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Promise upheld! Went home last night and did my pushups, and workout #1 of C25K (now that I know the lingo)...

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#1648456 - 01/10/12 03:21 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Matt_B Offline
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I can do side planks alright, right side is fine, but left side I can't really. I'm recovering from a hip issue and it puts unhelpful strain on the joint, so I can't mess with it now. Running is slightly uncomfortable still, but it's getting better at least. Hopefully I'll be fully recovered in another week or so, ideally without additional chiropractor visits!
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#1648482 - 01/10/12 03:53 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Dip Offline
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Anyone else getting lower back pain from their push-ups? I've been doign good in the push-up department. Did 9 all at once, still havent had to break them up liek I thought I would. But Sunday I had some pain in my lower back which I ignored, thinking I hurt it randomly and it would go away. The oain was worse yesterday, makign it sore to bend forward. Last ngith doing my pushups was good, btu then I went to get up and tons of pain in my lower back muscles. Today, I am having to catch myself to bend over because the muscles arent happy.

My guess is I am using back muscles I don't normally use when I do the pushups, and the pain is liek any other muscle soreness from working out. I hope I get over it though...I havent had good experiences doign back exercises. I used to do the thing where you lay on this seat thing and hang down, then lift up to work your back. I did it every time I was goign to the gym and it always made my back muscles sore.
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#1648495 - 01/10/12 04:04 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Matt_B Offline
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Likely from the muscles being used to stabilize your core and keep a straight line from neck to toes. You're fighting the urge to let yourself dip (pun intended) in the middle, so I can certainly see why it might be causing some pain. I experience some discomfort in the same area when running outside vs. treadmill, from holding a different form outside due to needing to be aware of the ground and space ahead of you.
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#1648497 - 01/10/12 04:06 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Hrothgar Geiger
Happy Birthday Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Originally Posted By: Hrothgar Geiger
Here's a fun side plank variation:

Assume you are starting from a side-plank on your left side.
Typically, your weight is on your left elbow and left foot. Put the weight on to your right foot instead and draw your left knee in toward your chest.

This is what I have been doing, but only because its easier on my ankles! I'm glad you said something because I have always thought, "This is harder than it should be!" laugh
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#1648498 - 01/10/12 04:11 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
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That's my guess, Dip. I have a bad lower back, so I'm used to having pain anytime I do anything, such as get out of bed each morning. I've gotten to where I ignore it unless it's notably worse than usual.

I did sets of 10, 10 and 8 this morning. I didn't do any last night, hoping that evening rest would allow me to keep improving each morning, but this morning was a setback compared to yesterday. Then, I remembered that I didn't eat last night. I was busy and simply forgot to eat. I'm going to assume that is the reason for my setback and work on getting a good diet plan together.

Any help with a functional diet plan for 2012 would be great. I also have the goal of losing 30-40 lbs this year...

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#1648499 - 01/10/12 04:12 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Matt_B
Happy Birthday Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Likely from the muscles being used to stabilize your core and keep a straight line from neck to toes. You're fighting the urge to let yourself dip (pun intended) in the middle, so I can certainly see why it might be causing some pain. I experience some discomfort in the same area when running outside vs. treadmill, from holding a different form outside due to needing to be aware of the ground and space ahead of you.

This also happens to me. I think the hard surface also increases impact.

Dip, try ( and I'm sure you do it anyway) to make certain that your abs, and obliques are tight as you do them. Any sag in the middle will stress the lumbodorsal muscles and give you an owie!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1648500 - 01/10/12 04:13 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Dip
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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Take a look at the instructions for creating a "Power Chamber" . It will create a solid, integrated core from which to do your push-ups. (and, well, anything else.)

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#1648502 - 01/10/12 04:27 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Hrothgar Geiger
'Lil Freak! Offline
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Originally Posted By: Hrothgar Geiger
Here's a fun side plank variation:

Assume you are starting from a side-plank on your left side.
Typically, your weight is on your left elbow and left foot. Put the weight on to your right foot instead and draw your left knee in toward your chest.

::drops to floor and does the funky side plank::

Ow. Dude, I think I just pulled something. Can I claim L&I since it happened on the job?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.

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#1648506 - 01/10/12 04:16 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge manimal
Happy Birthday Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Originally Posted By: manimal82
Had a nice run this morning (new shoes haven't arrived yet mad ) and did all my planking. I'm going to do arms and the pushups tonight after walking the dogs. I am sticking to just the required amount per day because I am so friggin weak still. But each day I complete them makes me happy smile

You wont be "weak" for long! You are doing a lot to improve upper body...strength I mean. Didnt mean to indicate there is a problem with your upper bod...
Oh just get stronger! smile
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1648509 - 01/10/12 04:18 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Happy Birthday Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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BTW, I am sure that someone (everyone?) has already mentioned it while I was gone, but Kitten your Avi is GREAT! grin
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#1648511 - 01/10/12 04:20 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
manimal Offline
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laugh thanks Beeeee
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#1648519 - 01/10/12 04:25 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Bankbb1, PITA
kitten Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bankbb1
BTW, I am sure that someone (everyone?) has already mentioned it while I was gone, but Kitten your Avi is GREAT! grin

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#1648534 - 01/10/12 04:49 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Hrothgar Geiger
Dip Offline
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Originally Posted By: Hrothgar Geiger

Take a look at the instructions for creating a "Power Chamber" . It will create a solid, integrated core from which to do your push-ups. (and, well, anything else.)

Does thsi come in english? laugh I started to try to follow this btu then I totally lost what the guy is describing. Basically kind of curl up and tilt your pelvis forward and squeeze?

I am keeping good form when I do the pushups, focusing on keeping my body stiff and flat. Maybe I'll have the fiance video me so I can check and see what I coudl improve.
Dabbling in banking, law, accounting...the life of a trustee.

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#1648543 - 01/10/12 05:18 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Matt_B
'Lil Freak! Offline
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Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Hey! I'm saying you old people are doing good, don't be getting mean or I'll put you in a home!

Careful...bOatn, Bankbb1, kitten, thomasj, and Jen may take umberage at your remark.
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.

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#1648545 - 01/10/12 05:09 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge 'Lil Freak!
Happy Birthday Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Hey! I'm saying you old people are doing good, don't be getting mean or I'll put you in a home!

Careful...bOatn, Bankbb1, kitten, thomasj, and Jen may take umberage at your remark.

I'll have some umberage! With a nice chianti! smile
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1648555 - 01/10/12 05:29 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge 'Lil Freak!
thomasj Offline
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Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Hey! I'm saying you old people are doing good, don't be getting mean or I'll put you in a home!

Careful...bOatn, Bankbb1, kitten, thomasj, and Jen may take umberage at your remark.

OUCH! I would say something, but I have a feeling Jen is on her way to whoop your butt!
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.

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#1648566 - 01/10/12 05:24 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge thomasj
Happy Birthday Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Originally Posted By: thomasj
Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Hey! I'm saying you old people are doing good, don't be getting mean or I'll put you in a home!

Careful...bOatn, Bankbb1, kitten, thomasj, and Jen may take umberage at your remark.

OUCH! I would say something, but I have a feeling Jen is on her way to whoop your butt!

Did I mention she can shoot...? Just checking! laugh
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1648571 - 01/10/12 05:28 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
kitten Offline
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I don't take umbrage anymore. It kept repeating on me when I burped. sick
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#1648575 - 01/10/12 05:31 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
manimal Offline
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There's a Harry Potter joke in there somewhere...
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#1648579 - 01/10/12 05:33 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge 'Lil Freak!
Matt_B Offline
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Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Originally Posted By: Matt_B
Hey! I'm saying you old people are doing good, don't be getting mean or I'll put you in a home!

Careful...bOatn, Bankbb1, kitten, thomasj, and Jen may take umberage at your remark.

I have no doubt that there are quite a few people in here that could whoop me despite the age differences. I'm also using "old" as a relative term, and don't mean it offensively, only in jest! Finally, I can only assume that your use of Umbrage is a reference to the 2009 movie, and that has me extremely confused! smile
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#1648590 - 01/10/12 05:43 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
kitten Offline
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I couldn't kick your butt. And as long as I'm put in a home where no kids are allowed, they feed me, and do the yardwork, I'm good with that.

I'll light candles to mask the old-people smells.
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD

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#1648601 - 01/10/12 06:02 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
TINKerBell Offline
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Originally Posted By: kitten
I couldn't kick your butt. And as long as I'm put in a home where no kids are allowed, they feed me, and do the yardwork, I'm good with that.

I'll light candles to mask the old-people smells.


The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.

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#1648610 - 01/10/12 05:59 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Pale Rider
Sewanee, CRCM Offline
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After my 23 wall pushups Monday morning, I did 3 miles on the treadmill last night.

Ran out of time for the pushups this morning; I'm keeping my brother's dog while he's out of town and the dog will only "do his thing" if he's walked; going out in the back yard isn't good enough! Good news though, that was an extra, although short, walk in.

I need to add some lunges in. Any idea of numbers?
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#1648615 - 01/10/12 06:16 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge TINKerBell
'Lil Freak! Offline
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Originally Posted By: STINKERBell
Originally Posted By: kitten
I couldn't kick your butt. And as long as I'm put in a home where no kids are allowed, they feed me, and do the yardwork, I'm good with that.

I'll light candles to mask the old-people smells.



No kidding about the old people smells grin And I think the butt kicking comment was directed toward me since I will be occupying the room down the hall.

Oh man...that just brought back a flashback; my mom made worked in a home temporarily just to get out of the house a few years back and would tell me stories about the old people sneaking into each other's rooms for a little snookie-wookie.
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.

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