If an application is approved, but before the loan can close the applicant becomes deceased, would it be considered withdrawn or approved,not accepted?
#1843082 - 08/16/1301:42 PMRe: Applicant dies - withdrawn or approved, not accept Many Hats
Platinum Poster
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 512
Bringing this one back due to a situation where no credit decision had been made as they died unexpectedly a few days after they had applied. Can't be withdrawn or an approved but not accepted. It is really incomplete, but the notice of incompleteness had not been sent that is required in order to report the loan as such. So which action taken to be reported in this scenario???
It's not the act of sending the notice that makes something incomplete. You can't send a notice to a dead person. I'd document the file and mark it withdrawn, even tho it's really the bank that's withdrawing it due to the applicant's demise.