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#168918 - 03/12/04 02:10 PM
How to perform a search
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jun 2000
Posts: 695
Louisville, KY USA
Here's a Handy "HOW TO" for the SEARCH function
The new and improved Search Feature in Bankers' Threads is very powerful; however if you're not familiar with how to use it properly, it may not yield the results you are looking for.
To Perform a Search:
Go to the Search Page
Select the Category, Forum or Forums that you would like to search from the left. - Selecting a Category will search all forums in that category. - Selecting one forum will search in just that forum. - Selecting multiple forums will search only withing those selected forums.
On the right, to search a keyword, enter it into the box. You can click "Advanced Search Tips" for more help. - Entering a single keyword will search for that word.
- Entering 2 or more words will search for each word, as if there were an OR operator. So entering peanut butter will search for posts containing peanut OR butter.
- Entering 2 or more words WITH PLUS SIGNS will search with an AND operator. So entering +peanut +butter will search for posts that contain peanut AND butter but they do NOT have to be together.
- Entering 2 or more words IN QUOTE MARKS will search for the phrase. So entering "peanut butter" will search for posts that contain the PHRASE peanut butter and will not return the post if it contains only one of the words.
- Entering 2 or more words with A MINUS sign will exclude words from the search. So entering +peanut -butter will search for posts which have the word peanut in them and DO NOT have the word butter.
- You can mix and match search operators. For example, entering "peanut butter" -jelly would return posts containing the PHRASE peanut butter and NOT containing the word jelly.
- Entering "peanut butter" +jelly -dance would return posts containing the PHRASE peanut butter and containing the word jelly but NOT containing the word dance.
Below that, you can choose whether you are searching the subject AND body of the posts, or just the subject.
Under the Username search section, you can enter a username. This can be done with or without keywords. So entering "peanut butter" +jelly + dance in the keywords and the username of navaho would return posts containing the PHRASE peanut butter AND the word jelly AND the word dance posted by the user navaho.
Next select a date range. There's an option to search all posts, or search for posts newer or older than a certain criteria. Narrowing down the search time will increase the speed of the results.
Next you can choose how many results per page you wish to view.
You can also choose to view a profile of the body. If selected, this will show you the first few words in the body of each post.
When you are finished, click "Submit".
Hope you find this helpful. I will make this post sticky for a few days.
Michele Petry
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#168923 - 03/15/04 02:21 PM
Re: How to perform a search
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 1,570
Wisteria Lane..
Thanks for the idea Dan. I just set up the Word file too.
And where is Superman when I need him?
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#168924 - 03/15/04 02:29 PM
Re: How to perform a search
Michelle, This is REALLY discouraging when even the gurus are having so many problems (along with the rest of us mere mortals). There are thousands of GREAT posts that we cannot gain access to!
Can't we go back to the old way???......this CLEARLY was not an enhancement, regardless of how many times you train it and how great you say it is. This is a cumbersome dog and everyone knows it. Let's face that reality and find a solution.
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#168925 - 03/15/04 04:27 PM
Re: How to perform a search
10K Club
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There are some pros and cons when there is a software upgrade. I can't speak for Michele and she has the intimate knowledge on this, but I don't think we could go back on just the search function, and there were other positives in this release that are great.
It doesn't replace the search, but be sure to bookmark as a "favorite thread" (linked at the bottom of threads) those you want to go back to, such as the search terms above. Once saved, you'll have direct access from your "My Home" link.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#168928 - 03/18/04 05:54 PM
Re: How to perform a search
10K Club
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By setting it to a few years you'll effectively be searching all posts. If this were the default, the search functions would be slow and may slow the server if a lot of folks are searching at one time.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#168929 - 06/18/04 09:57 PM
Re: How to perform a search
Is there anyway to search just by thread #?? I've recaived thread #'s from people before, but it can be hard to track them down
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#168930 - 06/21/04 10:05 AM
Re: How to perform a search
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 40,086
Cape Cod
It's not a search, but here instructions for IE browsers-- 1. click here. 2. Make this a "favorite" for your browser. 3. When you want to navigate to a specific thread, click on this favorite. 4. Change "173146" in the url address bar to the post number and press enter.
John S. Burnett Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
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#168931 - 07/29/04 02:48 AM
Re: How to perform a search
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#168932 - 11/18/04 04:50 PM
Re: How to perform a search
Power Poster
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 5,564
Clintonville, WI, USA
I do not like the fact that I can only do one search, and then have to wait 5 minutes or more before I can do another.
The old way, I would type in my search word and months to scan, and if I didn't get any matches, I could immediately change my search words and run another search. Now, I run the search, and if no matches, and I try to run another search, I get "sorry you cannot do another search at this time. Try back in a few minutes."
That stinks.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!
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#168934 - 11/18/04 09:46 PM
Re: How to perform a search
100 Club
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 127
I've had the same problem as Nanwa. It's also telling me that my search keywords are too short. What does that mean?
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." Carl Jung
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#168935 - 11/18/04 10:17 PM
Re: How to perform a search
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 1,373
Lido Deck
I also am getting the message that Nanwa and Bucko are getting. After the first search, I click on the "Search" button on the top of the page and it happens. But if I use my back button and change the search words that I typed in the first time, it will do another search. Odd . . .
--A bad day at sea is better than a good day at work.
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#168936 - 11/18/04 11:44 PM
Re: How to perform a search
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 85,256
Galveston, TX
Ditto with me!!
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#168937 - 11/19/04 03:46 PM
Re: How to perform a search
Platinum Poster
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 945
I tried doing a search on Check 21 with no problem. I then did a search on IRA distribution and got the "cannot proceed" error message. There may be an overflow protection device that will only allow one search in so many seconds. Lots of message boards have these to keep bots from running continuous searches for e-mail addresses in posts.
Opinions expressed are mine and not necessarily that of my employer.
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#168939 - 01/13/05 05:33 PM
Re: How to perform a search
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 40,086
Cape Cod
What is the name of the poster identified with the thread?
John S. Burnett Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
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#168941 - 01/14/05 02:08 PM
Re: How to perform a search
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 27,769
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What happens if you search on your own comment, can you view your posts? (I am exploring because I haven't heard this otherwise.)
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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