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#1703858 - 05/29/12 03:45 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
Went on a great hike yesterday with some minor rock scaling. Thought about it afterwards, should have gotten a push-up pic over one of the gaps you can climb down into. About shoulder width and 20-30 feet down, would've made for a good one to have someone snap it when there were people below for scale!
A big 150 today! Who's excited about getting that many done in a day? That's two sets at best for Steve, probably not even a warm-up, but it felt like a lot for me.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1703871 - 05/29/12 03:57 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
That would have made a killer pic!! And yes, even the mighty Thor feels 75 pushups at a whack! (ouch) 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1703887 - 05/29/12 04:15 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
Went on a great hike yesterday with some minor rock scaling. Thought about it afterwards, should have gotten a push-up pic over one of the gaps you can climb down into. About shoulder width and 20-30 feet down, would've made for a good one to have someone snap it when there were people below for scale!
A big 150 today! Who's excited about getting that many done in a day? That's two sets at best for Steve, probably not even a warm-up, but it felt like a lot for me. good thing you didn't fall, get your arm stuck and then have to cut it off
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#1703902 - 05/29/12 04:23 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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Oddly, when traversing some of the areas where we were going over/under/around rocks, there were several jokes made about that. I was the only one with a knife though. In the unlikely event of an emergency, I promised I would run around with my hands in the air screaming as opposed to cutting them apart though.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1703909 - 05/29/12 04:30 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2003
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
So, my left leg completely cramped up on my 30 miler Saturday. At about mile 22, there was a rest stop. When I pulled in, my left arch cramped. I worked it out, ate a banana and refilled my water bottle. About 1 1/2-2 miles later, my hamstring started pulling, so I straightened my leg out, but then my quad and hammie completely tightened up, so I stopped. I got going again and my right leg had a similar but milder cramp. On the last 1/2 mile in, my left leg seemed to cramp on every pedal stroke. When I stopped for good, my quad, hammie, calf and arch all cramped up, so I just stood there, left foot still clipped in, leaning on my right leg and waited it out. I've never cramped like that, but I've also never gone for over 2 hours on a bike before either. Pre-hydration and prior evening meal I think were key. I'm also adding two bottle cages to my bike for my next ride in June. All in all, I managed a 3:26/mile pace for the first 15 miles (North and West zigzags with the wind out of the SSE)and finished with about a 4:40/mile pace overall, after three stops and leg cramps on the return trip (South and East zigzags against the wind). I'm pretty happy with my 2:12 time. 
Last edited by Pup; 05/29/12 04:33 PM. Reason: Wind and direction played a big part
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#1703912 - 05/29/12 04:38 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
Well done Chief. Sounds like it was a bit rough on you, but you pushed through it at least!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1703918 - 05/29/12 04:50 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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After spending the first 2/3rds of the weekend at graduation ceremonies and parties, it was very needed to get out and work off some energy! 8 hours outside playing event photographer in 95 degree heat wears you down pretty fast!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1703942 - 05/29/12 05:30 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 38
The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
I ran 5.3 miles on Saturday! Personal Best.  Still haven't decided if I'm going to try running in the Florida heat or not..... I'm leaning towards YES. Mani! Mani! Mani! I think you should, but enjoy it. Run on a beach so you can say you did. DOnt let it take over the vacay. 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1703944 - 05/29/12 05:34 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 14,390
I ran 5.3 miles on Saturday! Personal Best.  Still haven't decided if I'm going to try running in the Florida heat or not..... I'm leaning towards YES. I love running in the Keys... fairly level, just the right amount of humidity and sea breezes to be very comfortable for a nice long run...
I don't repeat gossip, so listen closely...
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#1703964 - 05/29/12 05:54 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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Slow motion running on the beach, definitely. It looks so glamorous on TV, I'm sure it works just like that in real life.
Look out for sharks though, and zombie face eaters.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1703993 - 05/29/12 06:23 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Power Poster
Joined: May 2003
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Running and riding everywhere ...
Running on the beach is NOT all it's cracked up to be unless you can find some really hard packed sand. I hate to burst your bubble and all. Just sayin...
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!
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#1704008 - 05/29/12 06:31 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2003
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
If you're on the Gulf side, you'll enjoy it more barefoot. If you're on the Atlantic side, wear shoes. It's a bit "shelly" over there! When I was a little pup (16), I went to Delaware to visit my aunt and uncle for a couple weeks. I ran on Rehoboth beach, and it was pretty cool. And yeah, just to say you did it is about all I suggest. You've earned your rest, my dear, enjoy it!  Nice job on the 5.3, by the way!! 
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#1704020 - 05/29/12 06:44 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
RR Jen
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Running on the beach is NOT all it's cracked up to be unless you can find some really hard packed sand. I hate to burst your bubble and all. Just sayin... I was just picturing a hot Baywatch sort of scene honestly, I had no illusion that running in sand would be easy or fun.  My volleyball time gives me enough of a clue that running in sand isn't "fun"! Stay away from where the gators are too! 
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1704056 - 05/29/12 07:20 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Diamond Poster
Joined: Mar 2007
Posts: 2,108
gone fishin'
I did it! I changed my name! presenting "Wonder Woman"!
My opinions are my own, and not that of my employer.
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#1704058 - 05/29/12 07:21 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 38
The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
I did it! I changed my name! presenting "Wonder Woman"! :Hi five: ::super hero chest bump:: 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1704065 - 05/29/12 07:26 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Bankbb1, PITA
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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I did it! I changed my name! presenting "Wonder Woman"! :Hi five: ::super hero chest bump:: ^^ Has shirt and underoos with your "picture" on it!
Someone's about to get horned!
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