I have a situation regarding the aggregation of cash transactions being conducted after cut off on Friday and over the weekends. In all cases I've ever seen, a bank will aggregate these transactions on Monday's business date to determine if a CTR should be filed. However, I've run into a situation where that's not the case.
This particular bank has the staff levels to look back and determine if transactions are being conducted on a Saturday and Sunday and aggregate them based on those dates (I know what you're thinking, "You're a liar and a thief ACB, no bank has that level of AML staffing." But no, miracles do happen). My issue is that there AML software flags the transactions posted on Monday and triggers a CTR which is subsequently not filed. Additional questioning confirmed that all transactions conducted over the weekend post on Monday's business date.
I checked the manual and observed the comment about multiple currency transactions totaling more than $10,000 during any one business day being treated as a single transaction. I’ve additionally called the helpline for final guidance. However, there is some debate about what constitutes a “business day.” For example, if the bank is open Saturday and Sunday, those are business days and they are free to aggregate based on those days alone. My concern that there systems actually post all transactions on Monday. It would seem, at least to me, that the definition of a business day shouldn’t supersede their actual processes?
I’ve never seen a bank operate this way. Is anyone handling weekend transactions in this manner? If so, has it been an issue during examinations? More importantly, I still think this is being done incorrectly. Does anyone disagree on this? If so, why?
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu