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#1788124 - 02/21/13 07:41 PM You will love this - CTR Amendment
devsfan Offline
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I have to share this with my colleagues. We paper filed a CTR in ealy August 2011 and a few days later realized that we omitted the ID information in Box 14 (actually since it is a business we only omitted 'N/A'. We amended the CTR in the manner in effect at the time by only entering the amended information and attached a copy of the original CTR, and this was mailed in early August 2011 as well. Today we received it back from the IRS with a cover letter stating that the procedure for amending a CTR was changed on October 31, 2011 and our amendment was rejected. Bear in mind that our amendment has the IRS' time stamp as being received on August 22, 2011 which was before the change. Isn't this ridiculous? It was amended properly according to the procedures in place at the time and it was returned 18 months later.

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#1788147 - 02/21/13 08:14 PM Re: You will love this devsfan
Cape Codder Offline
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#1788151 - 02/21/13 08:26 PM Re: You will love this devsfan
Lilly C Offline
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#1788288 - 02/22/13 08:07 AM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
Elwood P. Dowd Offline
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Elwood P. Dowd
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FinCEN became the authoritative source for BSA data when it transitioned the collection, processing, and storage of all BSA data from IRS in January 2012. OIG Report, October, 2012

The IRS isn't supposed to be dealing with BSA forms any more. So, somewhere in the bowels of the Internal Revenue Service there is an IRS employee who doesn't know that the war is over? Who doesn't know that he is not supposed to continue doing the same stellar job of handling this precious information for law enforcement? Who, as long as he has his time and date stamp, probably doesn't care anyway?

It's kind of sad, but I do envy his health and retirement benefits.
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#1788435 - 02/22/13 04:26 PM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
JacF Offline

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It was probably this guy.

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#1788453 - 02/22/13 04:49 PM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
rlcarey Offline
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Maybe he/she could be one of the gov't employees targeted for furlough due to the sequester smile
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#1788544 - 02/22/13 07:14 PM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
CantBeShocked Offline
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Any time I've spoken with anyone at the Detroit Computing Center, my blood pressure goes up. They are rude, they can't answer you or don't want to answer you and they basically don't care.

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#1788637 - 02/22/13 09:25 PM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
DebbieF Offline
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Just today I recieved the same letter on a CTR amendment that I filed in January, 2012 for a CTR completed on November 18, 2011. Of course, I did it the old way instead of the new way that went into effect in October, 2011, but really?? Shouldn't there be some kind of "conversion" type timeframe where they cut you a little slack??? This is crazy to have to deal with a CTR that was filed 15 months ago.

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#1788675 - 02/22/13 10:05 PM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
HappyGilmore Offline
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#1790236 - 02/28/13 06:29 PM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
Wonderofitall Offline
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#1790435 - 03/01/13 12:41 AM Re: You will love this - CTR Amendment devsfan
fnbgal Offline
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We just received three copies of amended reports back from the IRS today for CTRs done in August 2011 that we amended in September 2011. The IRS letter that was attached clearly states that they received the amended CTRs on September 29, 2011. The letter then goes on to say that we did not follow the current process that was effective October 31, 2011, when FinCEN changed the paper correction process for amended CTRs. And they took over a year to get this to us, but we only have 10 days to fix something that was done correctly at the time...And then we're threatened with "Failure to properly file a BSA form may result in fines or other penalities." I'm going to have to try and call them just to see what they have to say.

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