I'm trying to make sure I understand exactly what comments need to be included in our CRA public file. I get that thank you notes go into the supplemental file with our donations and service hours records. I don't think we've ever recieved a letter that specifically referred to CRA.
We have recently implemented a Comment Card program, and we have received lots and lots of comments (mostly good, a few not so good), but I'm having trouble determining which of these should perhaps be included in our public file--if any. Many many of them are just "you're great, we love having a small bank in the community", or "thanks for taking the time with an elderly person like me", but I don't think that's exactly what the examiners are looking for. (Though if it is, that file is about to get huge!)
I've searched the threads and looked elsewhere online, but so far cannot find a actual example of what a CRA comment might look like if it doesn't specifically reference the Act. Am I being completely dense here?
Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
--all opinions are my own--