I just do Physical Security, our ISO does netowrk and acceptable use training and our other trainers does fraud training along with their other training. Here is want I cover just as an outline...
I. Types of robberies (Morning Glory, Note Passer, and Take over style)
II. What makes a bank a good target (location, poor lighting, overgrown landscaping etc.)
III. Go over the types of security devices we use
IV. What to do during a robbery
V. What to do after a robbery
VI. Some scenerio questions
VII. Info about bait money
VIII. All Clear Signal
IIX. Robbery prevention
IX. Being aware of your surrounding
XI. ATM SAFETY (Procedures for working on the ATM)
XII. Our Robbery Kits
XIII. Give them the to option to view some footage of past robberies so they can envision what it might be like to prepare themselves if it were to happen to them
Last edited by The Bear; 07/24/13 06:45 PM.