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#184181 - 04/27/04 04:31 PM Prayers For A Child
Mike Baker Offline
100 Club
Mike Baker
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 196
A request came via e-mail from our church, from a lady who lives in the area whose 12 year old son has been airlifted to Vanderbilt Hospital...I do not know them, and I have no idea if this is due to illness or accident...yet, having a 13 year old son, my thought was, if I asked for a prayer chain for my child, I would want all the prayers that I could I'm passing this along. Thanks,
"When you believe He's all you need,that will be your defining moment." [from "Defining Moment" Newsong, Sheltering Tree CD]

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#184182 - 04/27/04 04:33 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Retired DQ Offline
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Retired DQ
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Turnpike Exit 10
Count me in, Mike. Thoughts and prayers for that family.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#184183 - 04/27/04 04:52 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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My thoughts and prayers are with this family also.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#184184 - 04/27/04 04:57 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
carrieb Offline
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I'm in too. My family has been through a major medical emergency with a child. Sometimes prayers are all that keep you sane.

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#184185 - 04/27/04 05:38 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
P*Q Offline

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Coming your way Mike!

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#184186 - 04/27/04 05:40 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Skittles Online
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You have mine.
My Opinions Only

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#184187 - 04/27/04 06:09 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
ABrown Offline
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Mine as well.

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#184188 - 04/27/04 07:18 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Jay Bruce Offline
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Jay Bruce
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The New Loft Chamber
Prayers also ascending to God's throne from Oklahoma City.
J. Bruce

"A man in a kilt is a man and a half!"

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#184189 - 04/27/04 07:38 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
Please let us know when all is well (and we're praying that is very soon!)
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#184190 - 04/30/04 02:22 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Mike Baker Offline
100 Club
Mike Baker
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 196
I have been in and out due to jury duty, which finally finished yesterday. In any case, the only update which I have is that a day or two ago they were going to try to wean him from the lung portion of life support...I have not heard anything since that time, but I will certainly pass along any updates that I receive. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and concern.
"When you believe He's all you need,that will be your defining moment." [from "Defining Moment" Newsong, Sheltering Tree CD]

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#184191 - 04/30/04 02:45 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Retired DQ Offline
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Retired DQ
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Turnpike Exit 10
Keep us posted...
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#184192 - 05/03/04 03:40 PM Re: Prayers For A Child

Prayers are always helpful. You can count on me and my family!

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#184193 - 05/13/04 05:54 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Mike Baker Offline
100 Club
Mike Baker
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 196
I wish that I had some good news to pass along...but I don't have any news at all, as I have not heard anything further, so I just have to hope and pray that no news is good news.
"When you believe He's all you need,that will be your defining moment." [from "Defining Moment" Newsong, Sheltering Tree CD]

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#184194 - 05/13/04 06:06 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
La. Lady Offline
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La. Lady
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My prayers are with that family. It must have been terrible and frightening.....

Mike, you are such a kind person. You are requesting prayers for a child from a family you don't even know. Many people would say a little prayer, perhaps, but most would not ask others to pray.....

Everyone should have you on their side....

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#184195 - 05/13/04 09:56 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
litmachog Offline
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 83
I am also praying for the little one. We all feel that our children will outlive us and we don't understand when a child dies or gets close, so it has to be hard on the parents.

I am praying for the child and for the comfort of our Lord Jesus to fall on those parents.

May God bless them all.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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#184196 - 05/24/04 09:17 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Mike Baker Offline
100 Club
Mike Baker
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 196
I just received an e-mail that the child, whose name is Bobby, is starting your continued prayers
are appreciated. Thank you.
"When you believe He's all you need,that will be your defining moment." [from "Defining Moment" Newsong, Sheltering Tree CD]

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#184197 - 07/03/04 11:58 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Mike Baker Offline
100 Club
Mike Baker
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 196
I'm sorry to have to report that Bobby lost his earthly battle with cancer. We were gone on vacation, and there was an e-mail from the church about the situation when we returned. Please pray for his family.
"When you believe He's all you need,that will be your defining moment." [from "Defining Moment" Newsong, Sheltering Tree CD]

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#184198 - 07/04/04 05:06 AM Re: Prayers For A Child
TrueBlueBanker Offline
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Midlands SC
Our prays are with you and the family...You are a special person for doing this for someone you don't even know. WE ARE ALL IN THIS LIFE TOGETHER. Let's love and help each other!

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#184199 - 07/05/04 05:07 AM Re: Prayers For A Child
deppfan Offline
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All over the map.
How sad for all his loved ones, and how wonderful for him. I believe he is at peace, and will never experience pain or fear again. I will pray for comfort for his family.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#184200 - 07/06/04 02:55 PM Re: Prayers For A Child
Jay Bruce Offline
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Jay Bruce
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 546
The New Loft Chamber
Five summers bright our noble boy
Was lent us for our household joy;
Then came the fated, wintry hour
Of death, and blighted our sweet flower.

They told me, “Weep not, for thy gem
Is fixed in Christ’s own diadem;
His speedy feet the race have run,
The foe have ‘scaped, the goal have won.”

I chode the murmurs of my breast
With this dear thought; and then addressed
My steps to wait upon the Lord
And with his saints to hear His Word.

Then, thus I heard their anthem flow:
“Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

But how, I said, can this sad heart,
In joyful praises bear its part?
It hath no joy; it naught can do
But mourn its loss and tell its woe.

And then I thought, What if thy lost
Is now among that heavenly host,
And with the angel choir doth sing,
“Glory to Thee, Eternal King?”

But is not this a hope too sweet?
Faith is too weak the joy to meet;
Oh! might my bursting heart but see
If true the blissful thought can be!

Oh! that for once mine ear might hear
That tiny voice, so high, so clear,
Singing Emmanuel’s name among
Those louder strains, that mightier throng.

Oh! that but once mine eyes could see
That smile which here was wont to be
The sunshine of my heart, made bright
With Jesus’ love, with Heaven’s light.

Then would my burdened heart, I know,
With none but tears of joy o’erflow –
But ah! when faith would strain her eyes
For that blest vision, there arise

The shadows of my dreary home;
‘Twixt Heaven and my heart there come
That dying bed, that corpse, that bier;
And when I strive that song to hear,

Sad memory echoes but the wail
My love to soothe could naught avail;
I only hear his anguished cry,
I only see his glazing eye.

But yet be still, tumultuous heart,
And bravely bear thy destined part,
Yet will I say, stay there, my son;
And to my Lord, Thy will be done.

‘Tis not for sight and sense to know
Those scenes of glory here below;
But be it ours to walk by faith,
And credit what our Savior saith.

Let patience work till we be meet
To dwell in bliss at Jesus’ feet;
Then death, once dreaded, friendly come,
And bear us to our lost one’s home.

Then shall that glorious hour repay
The woes of all that dreary way,
And I shall hear forever more
My seraph boy his God adore.

Yea, he shall teach this voice to raise,
As angels taught him, Heaven’s lays;
And I, who once his steps did lead,
Shall follow him to Christ, our Head.

-- by Robert Dabney
J. Bruce

"A man in a kilt is a man and a half!"

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