The ORIGINAL BOL Ornament Exchange is back again for its SEVENTH year!!!How the BOL Ornament Exchange works: I pull names and randomly pair each participating BOLer with an "ornabuddy" for them to send an ornament to. A decoration is also acceptable (some BOLers may indicate a preference).
The requirement is one ornament or decoration in the $10 range (or handmade), though some people opt to send two ornaments or include candy or other goodies. WHAT YOU SEND BEYOND THE ONE ORNAMENT REQUIREMENT IS UP TO YOU —please do not send anything more than that if you will be upset if your buddy sticks to the guidelines and sends you one ornament. Ornaments MUST arrive to your ornabuddy on or before *December 1st. Please consider whether or not you can have your ornament shipped in time for your buddy to receive it by *December 1st before joining. Names are kept secret from the group until everyone receives their ornament (but include your name with your ornament so your ornabuddy can thank you when they receive it). After *December 1st and once everyone has their ornaments, we all have fun guessing who the ornabuddies were by giving clues about the BOLer who sent our ornament.
A word on Privacy: Your true name and mailing address are provided to me and your ornabuddy only. You may choose to provide your home address, work address, or a PO Box so long as that address can accept packages. Please indicate if only certain shipping providers will deliver to your address.
Who can participate: Anyone registered on BOL! We have regular, well-known BOLers as well as new people join each year, and many of the newbies become regular Cooler rowdies by getting to know everyone. Just make sure you can play nice with anyone who may join. We generally have 40-50 participants.
If you want to participate this year, send me a PM with the subject "2014 Ornament Exchange." Include your real name and mailing address
in one line, i.e. “Betty Boler, 4045 Main Street, Anytown, CA 92101” as this helps me input your info into my spreadsheet easier. I will use this PM to communicate with you during the course of the exchange…getting info, sending you your ornabuddy assignment, etc, so
The cut-off date to register by sending me a PM is Friday, October 10th. Ornabuddies will be assigned after October 10th and the PM for the exchange will begin shortly after that. The PM is set up for all the participants to get to know each other and share details to help you pick an ornament or decoration. The PM is very active, so you will want to turn off email alerts for PMs. Otherwise, your inbox will be clogged with PM notifications.
To turn off email alerts for PMs: From the threads, go to “My Stuff” and then “Edit Preferences” to turn off email notifications.
Once the PM is set-up, I cannot add additional participants, so please make sure to send me a PM by the October 10th deadline. Also, make sure to clean up your PMs before joining. If you are at your limit BOL will not include you in the ornament PM and you will miss out. I believe the PM limit is 100 or 200.
The ORIGINAL BOL Ornament Exchange...Accept NO Imitations 
*I changed the ornament delivery deadline from Thanksgiving to December 1st because it seems every year people run into pre-Thanksgiving crunch-time and sometimes cannot make the Thanksgiving deadline. Thanksgiving is late this year so really this just gives people an extra three days. So grab your mugs and keep eachother company by the window looking for the man in brown...or blue...or whatever color FedEx wears