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#1995788 - 02/12/15 09:37 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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It is a good lesson for the kids to have the championship taken away.

Next time the coach should become friends with or invite the head of the LL to the coaches house for dinner or at least a good bribe.

Or at least show how keeping them around would make more money for the LL.
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#1995791 - 02/12/15 09:45 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) edAudit
HappyGilmore Offline
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Originally Posted By: edAudit
or at least a good bribe.

being from Chicago, you'd think he already knew this. Since these kids were also hosted at the White House in the championship tradition, will they receive a bill now for that? will they need to return their photos with Obama? Will the WH hold a press conference where he can say if he had a boy he'd look like these kids? These are tough questions that only Brian Williams can answer...
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#1995797 - 02/12/15 09:49 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
So Roger Goodell was starting a press conference at 3:30 CST to discuss the Patriots and the air pressure issues, and right as he began, Kanye West jumped on stage...apparently the press conference is postponed indefinitely...
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#1996824 - 02/19/15 02:52 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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Wow just wow the NFL will burn their own employees to cast doubt on this mess to clear the Pats.

Goes back to the we destroyed the tapes.

The balls were under-inflated so we just put a little more air in no harm no foul
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#1996873 - 02/19/15 04:16 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) edAudit
RVFlyboy Offline
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Originally Posted By: edAudit

Wow just wow the NFL will burn their own employees to cast doubt on this mess to clear the Pats.

Goes back to the we destroyed the tapes.

The balls were under-inflated so we just put a little more air in no harm no foul
You hate us 'cause you ain't us.

How often do you have to change the foil on that hat of yours? With dozens of former Patriots players on other teams (many in circumstances that makes them not really like the way the Patriots did business with them, like Richard Seymour and Wes Welker) how come none of them are bringing to light any cheating tactics of the Patriots? With former Patriots coaches now many places throughout the league (some with division rivals), how come none of them aside from Eric Mangini have ever brought anything to light except videotaping from an illegal location?
Last edited by BeechFlyboy; 02/19/15 04:16 PM.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#1996876 - 02/19/15 04:18 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) RVFlyboy
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Originally Posted By: BeechFlyboy
Originally Posted By: edAudit

Wow just wow the NFL will burn their own employees to cast doubt on this mess to clear the Pats.

Goes back to the we destroyed the tapes.

The balls were under-inflated so we just put a little more air in no harm no foul
You hate us 'cause you ain't us.

How often do you have to change the foil on that hat of yours? With dozens of former Patriots players on other teams (many in circumstances that makes them not really like the way the Patriots did business with them, like Richard Seymour and Wes Welker) how come none of them are bringing to light any cheating tactics of the Patriots? With former Patriots coaches now many places throughout the league (some with division rivals), how come none of them aside from Eric Mangini have ever brought anything to light except videotaping from an illegal location?

How many of them actually know about it? With the two biggest accusations, spy gate, and the deflate gate, very few would even know. Not only that, but they are not the only team cheating. The problem with all of these rules is that rules permit abuse. Since there are so many rules, it allows people to debate if a rule was actually broken. For example, they are talking shades of gray vs intent.

The NFL needs to do something to simply the game. I think two big changes would be to start calling picks and offensive PI.
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#1996882 - 02/19/15 04:28 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) RVFlyboy
edAudit Offline
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Originally Posted By: BeechFlyboy
Originally Posted By: edAudit

Wow just wow the NFL will burn their own employees to cast doubt on this mess to clear the Pats.

Goes back to the we destroyed the tapes.

The balls were under-inflated so we just put a little more air in no harm no foul
You hate us 'cause you ain't us.

How often do you have to change the foil on that hat of yours? With dozens of former Patriots players on other teams (many in circumstances that makes them not really like the way the Patriots did business with them, like Richard Seymour and Wes Welker) how come none of them are bringing to light any cheating tactics of the Patriots? With former Patriots coaches now many places throughout the league (some with division rivals), how come none of them aside from Eric Mangini have ever brought anything to light except videotaping from an illegal location?

Do you thing that they would jeopardize their career because of behavior at a former employer?

Simple they do not wish to be labeled as a rat in the locker room.

Mangini was fed up with belichek
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#1996890 - 02/19/15 04:39 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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#1996990 - 02/19/15 07:32 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) edAudit
RVFlyboy Offline
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Originally Posted By: edAudit

Did you even read this article? First, tell me where in this article is says the Patriots did anything illegal or against the rules? Second, did you see that even Rex Ryan says this allegation is disrespectful to New England? Third, did you see the statement that says Pettine said Rex Ryan handed out the playbooks like candy anyway? Fourth, did you see the last line of the article (actually labelled "Update") where Mike Reiss of ESPN points out that the 2010 Jets Defensive Playbook is available online and even provides a link? Now I have a copy of the Jets playbook too!
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#1996993 - 02/19/15 07:36 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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Now I have a copy of the Jets playbook too!

Now if you can only go back in time and give it to the Pats...
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#1996997 - 02/19/15 07:40 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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now there is also difference between illegal and cheating. While not specified in the Rules (I do not wish to check)most people will think that it is not the best sportsmanship to view your opponents playbook.

PS: there is a reason why Rex is no longer with the Jets.
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#1997030 - 02/19/15 08:40 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) edAudit
RVFlyboy Offline
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So if it doesn't meet your standard of sportsmanship, it's cheating. Got it. Even if that means having a copy of a playbook widely available to everyone - still cheating. Got it. Thanks for clarifying. Enjoy another 11 months of "Defending Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots". I know I will.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#1997034 - 02/19/15 08:45 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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1 [no object] Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination: she always cheats at cards
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#1997035 - 02/19/15 08:46 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
RVFlyboy Offline
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Funny too how the haters still turned this thread into being about the Patriots cheating even though the title said it wasn't.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#1997045 - 02/19/15 08:54 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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Actually it was a bash of the NFL (and the way they go about handling evidence) that got this started today.

Why would they return the balls into service if they were deflated in the first place? that just boggles the mind.

PS: not a hater, not a fan of any team. Just like watching a well played game.
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#1997047 - 02/19/15 08:56 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) RVFlyboy
HappyGilmore Offline
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Originally Posted By: BeechFlyboy
Funny too how the haters still turned this thread into being about the Patriots cheating even though the title said it wasn't.

yes, the hypocrisy of those haters:

Originally Posted By: Sox in '13
Its the hypocrisy shemp. He railed on the Pats for deflate gate yet admits to cheating himself. You understand hypocrisy, don't you?

If the Pats are found guilty of deflating balls they should be penalized accordingly as they were with spygate.

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#1997071 - 02/19/15 09:24 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) RVFlyboy
Bobby Boucher Offline
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Originally Posted By: BeechFlyboy
Enjoy another 11 months of "Defending Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots". I know I will.

Yes, you do seem to enjoy defending them...

wink laugh
...not only will I do it for you, I... I... I... yes, yes, I'll do it for you.

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#1997072 - 02/19/15 09:28 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) edAudit
RVFlyboy Offline
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Originally Posted By: edAudit
1 [no object] Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination: she always cheats at cards
And who defines "unfair" and how do they do that? In this case, isn't it the league office and through issuance of a set of rules to be followed?
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#1997079 - 02/19/15 09:33 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
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I am sure that the regulators have some unwritten rules somewhere that we must follow (review a few Regulatory reports and I am sure they can be found)
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#1997099 - 02/19/15 09:54 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
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Consult state law on the matter.
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#1997117 - 02/19/15 10:14 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) Blade Scrapper
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Report them to the CFPB.

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#1997250 - 02/20/15 03:46 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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Happy retirement to Tim McClelland at least he tried to stand up for fair play in his rookie year
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#1997302 - 02/20/15 05:18 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
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We need to feminize men's sports!
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#1997312 - 02/20/15 05:34 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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Bruce Jenner coming out of retirement?
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#1997343 - 02/20/15 06:16 PM Re: More NFL Cheaters (not the Patriots this time) edAudit
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That would be sporting feminization rather than feminizing sports.
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