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#2004413 - 03/26/15 07:34 PM HBO's The Wire
PrimeTime Offline
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Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 173
I recently received seasons 1 and 2 of the HBO series The Wire for Valentine's day (which proves she's a keeper). Years ago I watched all 5 season and absolutely loved the show. Takes me from the suburbs directly into the middle of the hood.

After starting round 2 on this show, I have to say I think it makes a real strong case for the best show ever released.

Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
-Albert Einstein


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#2004428 - 03/26/15 08:04 PM Re: HBO's The Wire PrimeTime
CompliantOkie Offline
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I have not watched it but I swear if I hear my husband say "Oh that guy was in The Wire (or Oz)" one more time about an actor on a new show, I might snap!

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#2004437 - 03/26/15 08:11 PM Re: HBO's The Wire PrimeTime
PrimeTime Offline
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Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 173
I'm telling ya, it's life changing. And I'm 99.9% certain m'lady purchased it for me because I don't shut up about it either! Her way of saying "go ahead and watch this and leave me the f*#k alone!" lol
Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
-Albert Einstein


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#2004590 - 03/27/15 03:06 PM Re: HBO's The Wire PrimeTime
DEL Offline
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I've watched the first two seasons and agree that it is at least on the short list for best tv ever. I haven't been able to get my hubby to watch it, so only see it when he's not around, which is why I haven't watched the rest yet.

Oh, by the way, one of the guys from the Wire was on Walking Dead for awhile.

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#2004800 - 03/27/15 08:22 PM Re: HBO's The Wire PrimeTime
kw004h Offline
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Chicagoland, IL
Love this show. The line between "good guy" and "bad guy" is so realistically grey, and you end up liking some of the bad guys more than the the good ones. Especially the politicians.

I wish all commercial lenders would watch the series so they understand how it would be possible for money laundering to occur through front businesses and commercial real estate transactions.

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#2004815 - 03/27/15 08:35 PM Re: HBO's The Wire PrimeTime
PrimeTime Offline
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Joined: Nov 2014
Posts: 173
I think you just provided the basis for this year's annual lending BSA training! Lock them in a room with no food or water and make them watch the entire series.

I was actually talking to someone today that's also watched the show, saying that I feel like I'm the McNulty where I work because everyone thinks I'm an [censored]hole because I expect them to do their jobs correctly, and I'm good at mine. Funny how that works!
Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
-Albert Einstein


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#2004936 - 03/30/15 03:04 PM Re: HBO's The Wire PrimeTime
kw004h Offline
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Joined: Nov 2009
Posts: 219
Chicagoland, IL
Ha! If only.

The scenes where the drug gang start running meetings according to parliamentary procedure crack me up. I have to restrain myself from adjourning meetings like Stringer Bell.

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