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#2031490 - 08/04/15 02:12 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Way, way south.
Thread summary:
Non-Pat's Peeps: They cheated; "Belcheat" knew about Brady requesting the balls being deflated because he likes them that way, and then Brady destroyed his phone so he didn't have to turn it in due to incriminating text messages. Belcheat and Brady are cheaters, Brady is a whiner, but a pretty dang good QB.
Pat's Peeps: Belichick is an awesome coach, Brady is the BEST QB "EVAH" (I cringed when I wrote that) and there's no proof they cheated and it's all hearsay and conjecture until someone shows them proof/actual film of Brady with a ball deflator in his hands lowering the PSI. That's about it....oh, wait, and that every other team cheats as much or more than the Pats.
I think that's it.
Giddy up.
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#2031492 - 08/04/15 02:14 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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they could in their next contract have that removed along with a give back of some sort to the NFL.
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#2031494 - 08/04/15 02:15 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
excellent summarization, if they just had a "sleeveless emojie"
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#2031495 - 08/04/15 02:16 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
MB Guy
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Thread summary:
Non-Pat's Peeps: They cheated; "Belcheat" knew about Brady requesting the balls being deflated because he likes them that way, and then Brady destroyed his phone so he didn't have to turn it in due to incriminating text messages. Belcheat and Brady are cheaters, Brady is a whiner, but a pretty dang good QB.
Pat's Peeps: Belichick is an awesome coach, Brady is the BEST QB "EVAH" (I cringed when I wrote that) and there's no proof they cheated and it's all hearsay and conjecture until someone shows them proof/actual film of Brady with a ball deflator in his hands lowering the PSI. That's about it....oh, wait, and that every other team cheats as much or more than the Pats.
I think that's it. You missed trouncing out a website (written by a pats fan) that state most teams cheat more because they get regular penalties during the game.
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#2031503 - 08/04/15 02:26 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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under the Lone Star
Just need to find one with his pants on fire.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2031512 - 08/04/15 02:50 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Here are some facts:
1) Blecheat (as Ed calls him) and Kraft were cleared in the Wells report; 2) There is no evidence that Brady ordered code red. His clear preference was to have the balls inflated to the lowest legal level and the report spells out the steps he took to ensure that happened. If the ball boy deflated it after the officials "checked" (and I use that term loosely) then that is a violation of the rules and those found guilty should pay the penalty-whatever that is. I do find it laughable that violations such as the balls being warmed up on the sidelines is brushed aside while the alleged deflation is the exact same thing. Tampering with the equipment to gain an advantage.
If the argument is Brady is suspended for 1/4 of the season for lack of cooperation, there is no precedent for that severe of a penalty. This is clearly a make up call for the NFL's bungling of prior conduct issues.
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#2031528 - 08/04/15 03:35 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
Gold Star
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State of Confusion
Goodell: Brady, did you order the Code Red?!
Players Union: You don't have to answer that question!
Brady: I'll answer the question. You want answers?
Goodell: I think I'm entitled!
Brady:You want answers?!
Goodell: I want the truth!
Brady: You can't handle the truth!
A common mistake people make designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
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#2031533 - 08/04/15 03:46 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Brady's head should be chopped off
then Ted Williams' head should be put in its place (thaw it out first of course)
then Brady should play for the Red Sox, there are no balls to deflate
and don't give me he could scuff the ball, cork a bat, etc. let's focus on air, it's all about the air
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#2031542 - 08/04/15 04:06 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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So, do you still pick up Brady in your fantasy draft, knowing you're going to have him on the bench for four weeks, but also knowing he's going to give you a bunch of points the rest of the way? There's such a shortage of good, reliable fantasy QBs.
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#2031547 - 08/04/15 04:18 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
100 Club
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Land of Oz
So, do you still pick up Brady in your fantasy draft, knowing you're going to have him on the bench for four weeks, but also knowing he's going to give you a bunch of points the rest of the way? There's such a shortage of good, reliable fantasy QBs. Yesssss. I picked up Josh Gordon a few years ago knowing he was suspended part of the year and it paid off immensely!
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#2031551 - 08/04/15 04:26 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
So, do you still pick up Brady in your fantasy draft, knowing you're going to have him on the bench for four weeks, but also knowing he's going to give you a bunch of points the rest of the way? There's such a shortage of good, reliable fantasy QBs. heck no...that way, if you lose the league, you can blame it on Goodell and not having access to brady the entire time...much like you were owner Robert kraft and what he'll be saying come 2016
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#2031698 - 08/05/15 02:51 AM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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OK, haters (and you know who you are) - the release of the Brady appeal hearing transcript is fascinating reading. And as Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio points out in several blog posts tonight, paints a very different picture than what Goodell's 20-page ruling did of Brady and his actions. Check it out. Or don't. Up to you.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#2031705 - 08/05/15 10:21 AM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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More Lawyer speak not earth shattering.
Q. Okay. Now, have you ever specifically, so again, very specific question, have you ever told anyone on the Patriots after you’ve given to them that they should change the inflation level of the footballs after you approved them or do anything about the inflation level after you approved them?
A. No.
Q. Now, what would be your reaction if Mr. Jastremski or anyone else in the Patriots was doing something to the footballs after you’ve approved it? How would you feel about that?
Very specific After he approved it. It could have been tampered prior.
Q. Sometime after the Jets game, what did Mr. Jastremski tell you he learned about the ball?
A. That the balls were, you know, inflated to, you know, much higher than what they were agreed upon before the game.
Q. Do you recall what number he used?
A. 16.
So he admits to using an overinflated ball against the jets?
I will not review the rest as I have more important things to do and I am not a hater. Once again stated I am not a fan of any team I just like to watch a good game. In my opinion and this may be shocking to Pat fans. Cheating does not make for a good game.
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#2031713 - 08/05/15 11:44 AM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Soaring over Georgia
Interestingly, the Ravens game was even colder than the Colts game. The Ideal Gas Law, of which virtually no one in the NFL world was aware of before this February, would have had an even greater effect in that game and could have led the Ravens to think something fishy was happening with the balls. When your constantly looking for a conspiracy, everything you see looks like a conspiracy.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#2031714 - 08/05/15 11:46 AM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Troy Vincent also admitted in this appeal that the policy under which the disciplinary action was taken is not a policy that is given to players. Could be a bad sign for those hoping for suspension to be upheld.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#2031715 - 08/05/15 11:47 AM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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I think a settlement will happen, it will involve payment of a substantial fine and no admission of guilt.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#2031717 - 08/05/15 11:59 AM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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. The Ideal Gas Law, of which virtually no one in the NFL world was aware of before this February
How would one explain balls on only the Patriots sided deflated and not the other side?
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#2031718 - 08/05/15 12:02 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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I think a settlement will happen, it will involve payment of a substantial fine and no admission of guilt. it would be good if the NFL admitted guilt and just have the officials in charge of game balls (with an Official gauge) no air adj. no scuffing or simply the same balls used each side. Why do easy things need to be made difficult (except for the whining of Manning, Brady and Ben)
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#2031720 - 08/05/15 12:03 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Troy Vincent also admitted in this appeal that the policy under which the disciplinary action was taken is not a policy that is given to players. Could be a bad sign for those hoping for suspension to be upheld. Why it is not in the contract that it need to be given.
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#2031721 - 08/05/15 12:06 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Interestingly, the Ravens game was even colder than the Colts game. The Ideal Gas Law, of which virtually no one in the NFL world was aware of before this February, would have had an even greater effect in that game and could have led the Ravens to think something fishy was happening with the balls. When your constantly looking for a conspiracy, everything you see looks like a conspiracy. sorry to say that the Fanboy just keeps on coming out for some. Like it or not the balls were deflated on the Pats side only. Unless.... the colts just kept putting air into their balls to keep them legal.
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#2031738 - 08/05/15 01:19 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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. The Ideal Gas Law, of which virtually no one in the NFL world was aware of before this February
How would one explain balls on only the Patriots sided deflated and not the other side? Hmmm...check this out: From Here's the other story uncovered in the Wells Report you've NOT been told: 3 of 4 Colts footballs checked at halftime weighed in under 12.5 PSI by one of the two officials measuring them. Then, they suddenly stopped checking. The other 8 Colts footballs simply, and conveniently, went unchecked.
Here's the Wells Report table showing the PSI of the 4 Colts footballs weighed at halftime as it appears on Page 8. Blakeman and Prioleau are the two NFL officials who measured the balls.
Ball: Blakeman Prioleau 1 12.7 12.35 2 12.75 12.30 3 12.50 12.95 4 12.55 12.15
Last edited by TB 12; 08/05/15 01:24 PM. Reason: corrected the source of information
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#2031748 - 08/05/15 01:29 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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| it appears true that on one gauge the Colts balls were underinflated on 3 balls the Pats balls were underinflated on BOTH gages. Source Boston Globe.
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#2031758 - 08/05/15 01:54 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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I wasn't addressing that issue Ed. I responded to your false statement that only the Pats balls were under inflated.
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