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#2044001 - 10/13/15 08:48 PM
service provider not chosen by borrower
Gold Star
Joined: Aug 2008
Posts: 457
if a list is provided for a service, but the borrower lets the bank choose, and the bank chooses someone NOT on the provider list, is this 10% anyway, even if the provider not on the list was chosen by the bank?
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#2044009 - 10/13/15 09:11 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
Gold Star
Joined: Nov 2011
Posts: 381
Texas ...
In my understanding, if you gave them the list and they chose someone that isn't on it, then that Service Provider's Fee goes into unlimited tolerance
Can't is not an option.
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#2044014 - 10/13/15 09:26 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
Gold Star
Joined: Aug 2008
Posts: 457
even if the provider is not on the list and the bank chooses, its 10%?
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#2044030 - 10/13/15 09:56 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
Junior Member
Joined: Sep 2015
Posts: 46
1026.19(e)(1)(vi)(A)- A creditor permits a consumer to shop for a settlement service if the creditor permits the consumer to select the provider of that service, subject to reasonable requirements.
In the case where the consumer does not select the provider for that service, I don't see how the case could be made that they were permitted to shop under these rules.
1026.19(e)(3)(ii) which sets the 10% tolerance specifies in (C) that it would only be considered in good faith to exceed the baseline by up to 10% if the consumer was permitted to shop and refers back to the the section above.
Given these two citations, I don't see a case for anything other than there being a 0% tolerance when the bank selects the provider regardless if the consumer was given the option to shop but chose not to. If the bank is choosing, it seems to me that there is no tolerance.
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#2044040 - 10/13/15 11:28 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2001
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Galveston, TX
It's in the preamble. If the creditor chooses, it is 0%.
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#2044094 - 10/14/15 02:15 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
Gold Star
Joined: Aug 2008
Posts: 457
A little confused, a required third party service where the applicant is permitted to shop, a list provided; however, the applicant does not shop because they want to, so the bank chooses the provider for them, that is a 0% tolerance?
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#2044100 - 10/14/15 02:24 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
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I'm just surprised the creditor chose someone not on their list - unless it was out of market.
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#2044345 - 10/15/15 01:24 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
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Bloomington, IN
3. Services for which the consumer may, but does not, select a settlement service provider. Good faith is determined pursuant to § 1026.19(e)(3)(ii), instead of § 1026.19(e)(3)(i), if the creditor permits the consumer to shop for a settlement service provider, consistent with § 1026.19(e)(1)(vi)(A). Section 1026.19(e)(3)(ii) provides that if the creditor requires a service in connection with the mortgage loan transaction, and permits the consumer to shop for that service consistent with § 1026.19(e)(1)(vi), but the consumer either does not select a settlement service provider or chooses a settlement service provider identified by the creditor on the list, then good faith is determined pursuant to § 1026.19(e)(3)(ii), instead of § 1026.19(e)(3)(i). For example, if, in the disclosures provided pursuant to §§ 1026.19(e)(1)(i) and 1026.37(f)(3), a creditor discloses an estimated fee for an unaffiliated settlement agent and permits the consumer to shop for that service, but the consumer either does not choose a provider, or chooses a provider identified by the creditor on the written list provided pursuant to § 1026.19(e)(1)(vi)(C), then the estimated settlement agent fee is included with the fees that may, in aggregate, increase by no more than 10 percent for the purposes of § 1026.19(e)(3)(ii). If, however, the consumer chooses a provider that is not on the written list, then good faith is determined according to § 1026.19(e)(3)(iii).
.19(e)(ii) Limited increases permitted for certain charges. An estimate of a charge for a third-party service or a recording fee is in good faith if:
(A) The aggregate amount of charges for third-party services and recording fees paid by or imposed on the consumer does not exceed the aggregate amount of such charges disclosed under paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section by more than 10 percent;
(B) The charge for the third-party service is not paid to the creditor or an affiliate of the creditor; and
(C) The creditor permits the consumer to shop for the third-party service, consistent with paragraph (e)(1)(vi) of this section.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#2044358 - 10/15/15 01:46 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 40,086
Cape Cod
It is my understanding that only the services under section C go in the provider list. If we have any services under section H-Other, do they have to go in the Service Provider List? For example, we don't require Owner's Title Insurance so it goes in section H. Would we have to list them in the service provider list? We are letting them shop for it, but do we have to provide the list of at least one servicer? The service provider list is only required for services that you require, but allow the consumer to shop for. In other words, services listed in Section C of the LE.
John S. Burnett Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
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#2045040 - 10/19/15 10:01 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
Dan Persfull
Platinum Poster
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Posts: 937
We have had the experience that the applicant identifies one of our providers in advance of the provider list. Is that shopping in advance or what? 10% tolerance? Dan's reply seems to contradict the threads above him? Is it 10% or not.
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#2045109 - 10/20/15 02:31 PM
Re: service provider not chosen by borrower
Platinum Poster
Joined: Sep 2007
Posts: 937
Agreed. We have and are doing exactly what you outlined. Thank you.
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