#2047350 - 10/30/1507:47 PMCash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR?
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While this issue can vary from one FI to another, just wanted to get an insight as to how much cash found in a safe deposit box is considered suspicious enough to trigger a SAR filing? I'd definitely opt in to file for anything over $10K but not too sure on any amounts between $5K and $10K.
On what grounds would you file a SAR? It's not against the law to squirrel away cash in a safe deposit box, even if your bank has a published policy against it. People hoard cash for a number of reasons, a few of which may be illegal, but not all. If there's more to the customer's actions that, taken with the cash cache, make you suspicious of his activity, by all means file. But storing cash in the box isn't enough, IMHO.
John S. Burnett BankersOnline.com Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
Appendix F in the BSA/AML Examination Manual lists a number of transactions involving safe deposit boxes as "red flags," but finding cash in a safe deposit box is not one of them. Agreeing with your observation that opinions will vary, there is no dollar figure at which I would automatically file a SAR on cash found in a safe deposit box.
It would depend on facts and circumstances; e.g. if it was $100K and the renter died of: * old age at 85, not having been in the box a year or * a gsw to the chest after a street corner shoot out, having visited the box 4 times a week during the last 3 months
I would make different decisions on the SAR, but my CTRs would be strikingly similar.
In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.
#2047556 - 11/02/1506:58 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? swiggles
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You mean if the branch found $50K US currency stored in the safe deposit box (for whatever reason), the bank is not obligated to file a CTR? Where can I see this on the FFIEC examination manual?
#2047561 - 11/02/1507:03 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Lyon.Hart
Rocky P
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It would trigger if it were deposited into the bank. CTR's are triggered for money going over the counter, either way. If the customer walked out with it, it never was deposited or withdrawn from the bank.
Integrity. With it, nothing else matters. Without it, nothing else matters.
You mean if the branch found $50K US currency stored in the safe deposit box (for whatever reason), the bank is not obligated to file a CTR? Where can I see this on the FFIEC examination manual?
A bank must electronically file a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) for each transaction in currency82 (deposit, withdrawal, exchange, or other payment or transfer) of more than $10,000 by, through, or to the bank.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
The exam manual will tell you when a CTR filing must be made. It won't tell you when it isn't required. You simply don't have a currency transaction when you "find" cash in a safe deposit box. Now if there is more to your story, perhaps you'll get a different response.
John S. Burnett BankersOnline.com Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
#2047600 - 11/02/1508:25 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Rocky P
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Assuming the lessee was never present at the scene, if the cash was discovered by the bank staff through a break-in of the box due to rent arrears, or simply opened for the search of a Will, does it still require a CTR? If so, is the bank staff, who brought the cash to the counter, the conductor?
#2047632 - 11/02/1509:27 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Lyon.Hart
Rocky P
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If the cash crosses the counter, it is reportable.
If there is a beneficiary who is with the bank officials when the box is drilled, and the beneficiary picks up the cash and walks out of the bank, it never crossed the counter to be deposited. Therefore, in that case, IMHO, it is not reportable as a CTR. The cash never went into our out of a bank account. (It was never tried to be legitimized.)
Integrity. With it, nothing else matters. Without it, nothing else matters.
is the bank staff, who brought the cash to the counter, the conductor?
Are you conducting a transaction at the counter or simply counting the cash and then placing it in safekeeping? What does your S/D box agreement say about the bank's rights and responsibilities if you have to drill a box? Maybe I put that particular set of Federal Reserve Notes in my box because they have numismatic value. When I discover you put my cash in the drawer and issued an official check or created a deposit account, I'm going to be VERY unhappy.
#2047667 - 11/03/1504:59 AMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Richard Insley
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Originally Posted By Richard Insley
Originally Posted By BSAppleKing
is the bank staff, who brought the cash to the counter, the conductor?
Are you conducting a transaction at the counter or simply counting the cash and then placing it in safekeeping? What does your S/D box agreement say about the bank's rights and responsibilities if you have to drill a box? Maybe I put that particular set of Federal Reserve Notes in my box because they have numismatic value. When I discover you put my cash in the drawer and issued an official check or created a deposit account, I'm going to be VERY unhappy.
And the cash is not bank property, so you do not want to park it in a GL account, either.
The only ways the custodian is going to "find" currency in a box is if the box is drilled for nonpayment of rent or the owner died and the bank is involved in the inventory. (In some states it is, in some states it isn't.)
In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.
#2048804 - 11/09/1506:49 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Lyon.Hart
New anon here: I have worked at my FI for 13 years, after spending another 20 years at other institutions. Tellers here have always been trained that it is illegal to keep cash in your SDB. I have questioned this repeatedly: we don't disclose this anywhere, nor has anyone ever been able to cite a regulation or law that states such. But to this day the teller trainer still teaches them this. It drives me crazy. I have some cash in my own box that is vintage currency. I hope they never find out. SMH.
It's not illegal. Sometimes the contract/lease prohibits it, but that is to help prevent false claims; e.g.
C: "There's $15,000 in cash missing from my box!"
B: "That's very unfortunate. According to paragraph 4 of the contract you signed, you were not supposed to keep cash in your safe deposit box." I'll bet you regret doing it now, don't you?"
In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.
#2048847 - 11/09/1508:44 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Elwood P. Dowd
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I have worked at my FI for 13 years, after spending another 20 years at other institutions. Tellers here have always been trained that it is illegal to keep cash in your SDB. I have questioned this repeatedly: we don't disclose this anywhere, nor has anyone ever been able to cite a regulation or law that states such. But to this day the teller trainer still teaches them this. It drives me crazy. I have some cash in my own box that is vintage currency. I hope they never find out. SMH.
Yes......long, long ago....way back in the day......I was a teller and we were told the same thing.....that it's "illegal" to store money in a safe deposit box unless the money was a coin collection or something.
The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.......
Prohibited by contract is not the same as illegal. But some bankers seem to find it easier to blame policy restrictions on laws or regulation rather than bank policy.
John S. Burnett BankersOnline.com Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
#2048866 - 11/09/1509:24 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Lyon.Hart
I may have reported possible tax evasion when a cash intensive business was not depositing much cash and actually withdrawing cash before they would visit their safe deposit box.
We have a retired customer that deposited a large check several months ago. The last few weeks he has been making large cash withdrawals (always under $10k and only 1 per week) and then immediately enters his safe deposit box. This "could" be an attempt to hide assets but is it something we should file a SAR on?
How long until retirement??
#2122283 - 03/16/1705:49 PMRe: Cash stored in a safe deposit box - SAR? Lyon.Hart
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Suspecting that the customer is placing the cash in a safe deposit box has nothing to do with it IMO. It would be suspect for "structuring," as Randy said, regardless of whether or not you think he's putting it his box or if you see him put it in his pocket.
The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.......