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#2014050 - 05/14/15 02:34 PM
Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Platinum Poster
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Orlando, FL
For this scenario, the application was taken by telephone, fax or mail and this is an FDIC regulated bank:
The applicant marked “I do not wish to furnish this information†on the initial 1003, BUT GMI was marked on the final 1003. This is because the investors that the bank sells the loan to requires the GMI, regardless of whether or not the applicant did not wish to furnish.
So the lender is either marking the GMI on the final 1003 based on visual observation prior to closing, or by contacting them by phone and asking them for the information again, indicating that it is required to be furnished.
On their LAR, the Bank reports what was on the initial 1003, not the final.
Has anyone heard of this?
I always thought that if the applicant expressly said they did not want to furnish it, then how can you require it (unless it was taken face to face)? And, why does the investor require it?
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#2014065 - 05/14/15 03:07 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Kathleen O. Blanchard
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Orlando, FL
Yes, they are requiring that it be collected during the application phase (post telephone/fax/mail app) or at closing.
It makes sense to me that the bank should also be reporting it, but apparently the FDIC has been using the initial application also and did not comment on their practice of not reporting the information.
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#2052117 - 12/02/15 08:31 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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I understand that if an application is taken by mail...etc....and GMI is not provided, you can obtain the GMI at a face to face interview anytime during the application process...either directly from the applicant or by visual observance if they refuse.....the application would then be marked GMI obtained by face to face interview.....
So we can obtain the GMI at anytime during the loan process when meeting the customer face to face and then mark face to face interview for an application that was originally received by mail?
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#2052122 - 12/02/15 08:37 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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If an application is processed with no face to face it at our option whether or not we want to make a GMI determination based on surname alone (no visual) or report not provided?
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#2052135 - 12/02/15 09:03 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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No, that is not an option.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#2052140 - 12/02/15 09:08 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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Thanks, Dan....that was my take....
When I audit the LAR I have always looked at the original application not the final "cleaned up" one....if GMI is being collected after the completed application process and it is on a final "cleaned up" application...are we supposed to be reporting the GMI on the LAR...if so, I need to change how I audit....
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#2052157 - 12/02/15 09:28 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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Posts: 731
Thanks....that's what I was hoping to hear!
Last edited by Compliance504; 12/02/15 09:29 PM.
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#2052220 - 12/03/15 02:18 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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Bloomington, IN
If the application is started by mail, fax, Internet or telephone where there is no face to face interview and the applicants do not provide the information then then you must report it as not provided.
If you do however meet with the applicant face to face anytime during the application process you are required to request the GMI information. You must give the applicants the option of providing the information and if they do not then you would report the GMI based on the visual observation.
3. Applicant data—application completed in person. When an applicant meets in person with a lender to complete an application that was begun by mail, internet, or telephone, the institution must request the monitoring information. If the meeting occurs after the application process is complete, for example, at closing, the institution is not required to obtain monitoring information.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#2052225 - 12/03/15 02:37 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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Petersburg, VA
While I do not personally agree with this line of thinking, we are being told by our regulator that the "is not required" means we can collect at closing, we just have to be consistent in doing so.
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#2052239 - 12/03/15 03:19 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
Diamond Poster
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That line of thought is supported by this statement in the GIR, page D-10. I don't necessarily agree that you should collect at closing, but I've heard the same thing.
3. Applicant data—application completed in person. When an applicant meets in person with a lender to complete an application that was begun by mail, internet, or telephone, the institution must request the monitoring information. If the meeting occurs after the application process is complete, for example, at closing, the institution is not required to obtain monitoring information.
"Is not required" seems to imply that you may.
All opinions are my own, not my employer's
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#2052287 - 12/03/15 05:11 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Many Hats
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Between the lines
Collecting GMI is supposed to be done at application, if they come in to complete the application that was mailed or taken by phone; then you should complete the GMI. If you have completed the application phase and moved to underwriting, you or no longer required to collect. Some would say that you should not collect once you have moved beyond application stage.
Since there is nearly no margin for error in the LAR, it can be argued that it is safer to not collect later in the process.
I seem to remember reading somewhere, long ago, that one of the regulators stated that it was "not appropriate" to collect the information at the closing table. But, of course, I can't put my hands on it now.
NOLA is my Beach!
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#2052304 - 12/03/15 05:22 PM
Re: Collecting GMI even if app doesn't wan to furnish
Platinum Poster
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 731
That is what I was wondering reading Regulation B and stated "need not" not "should not" so I didn't know if it could be an option to make a determination by surname when not provided by a phone application...etc....
I was hoping I was reading too much into it....
I'm going to stick to if not provided during the application process...then don't make a determination and report not provided.....
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