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#2085073 - 06/24/16 03:46 PM
Anyone canning this year
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Canning Beets tomorrow and I wondering if anyone else is canning this year and what you might be canning. I will also do a Cranberry Jalapeno Jam with frozen cranberries, Sand Plum Jelly and Bread & Butter Pickles.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.
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#2085078 - 06/24/16 03:53 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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I would like to get tomatoes and do a bunch of cans of tomatoes. My husband and I were just talking about this yesterday and we're going to also do peaches, pears, and elderberry jam. He likes to do pickles, so we may do those as well.
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#2085093 - 06/24/16 04:22 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
Joined: May 2015
Posts: 67
We will can carrots, green beans, and tomatoes. We will freeze sweet corn, and if we have enough in the garden we will also freeze zucchini, squash, pumpkin, peppers, onions, brussel spouts, and cucumbers. Hoping we have some great weather the rest of summer for the garden.
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#2085120 - 06/24/16 05:29 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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We will b canning Green beans and pickled beats. Mom will can enough tomatoes (Juice, sauce, salsa, ketchup) for the county, so we don't bother with that We will Freeze corn and black berries (Not together) . Never heard of freezing onions and cucumbers.  How do you do that?
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2085129 - 06/24/16 05:47 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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Spartan Country!
I always freeze blueberries and corn. But those are easy to do. I would love to can - but I believe I would not have the patience for it.
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#2085130 - 06/24/16 05:47 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
no plans on canning this year, but lots of bottling planned...well, if opening beer bottles can be considered bottling, anyway...
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time
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#2085145 - 06/24/16 06:13 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
Joined: May 2015
Posts: 67
We freeze the cucumbers for when we make creamy cucumber salad so it doesn't matter if they don't stay really crisp. Probably doesn't work as well if you wanted them for just eating plain. We just slice them and put them in a freezer bag. For the onions we just chop up and put in freeze bag and use them in stews or roast, where again they don't need to stay really crisp. We also will add onions and peppers when we can tomatoes.
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#2085150 - 06/24/16 06:27 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
Gold Star
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Spartan Country!
I just texted my daughter and asked if she wanted to learn how to can this year with her mama... and she is all for it! So, I guess I need to purchase supplies and perhaps some instructions! Any suggestions - or advice?
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#2085151 - 06/24/16 06:31 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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You are here
Any suggestions - or advice? Wait until she shows up 
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#2085155 - 06/24/16 06:46 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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Posts: 362
Canning beans tonight! Did cherries earlier and will do salsa later when the tomatoes are ready.
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#2085158 - 06/24/16 06:49 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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If I get a good tomato crop this year, I'll can some salsa. I usually pickle jalapenos, too. In fact I still have two jars from last summer.
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#2085161 - 06/24/16 06:52 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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Best advise - tell everyone you know and even those you don't know that you are interested in any canning jars they have and want to get rid off. You'd be surprised how many people have some in the garage or that they don't use anymore.
I am a fan of the Ball Blue Book for recipes and instructions. You can usually find it at Walmart or bookstores, along with the utensils. You can also do a search on Amazon for "canning kit" and there are some good deals there for the utensils.
My biggest boo boo when first learning was when I put the big boiling pot on the gas stove and the flames kind of went up the back of the post and singed the backsplash. Oops.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.
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#2085172 - 06/24/16 07:12 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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HRH is right, my mom who cans the basement full each year, asked some of the ladies at church if they had any jars they didn't use anymore. WOW, not only did mom get a bunch, but we now have two huge tubs of nice Ball and Mason jars. And my brother took twice as many as I did.
The ball book is great. Also, check you local county extension office. They will offer a lot of material and advice.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2085179 - 06/24/16 07:29 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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My wife went to our extension office canning session last year. Got a lot of nice material and pointers. And she has been canning for 30+ years.
My dad made a really nice gas burner for mom years ago that he can set up out side or in the basement. (Looks like a double turkey fryer). With a couple adjustments it can run on propane or natural gas. That way mom doesn't heat up the house.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2085185 - 06/24/16 07:45 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
Joined: May 2015
Posts: 67
My mom has always insisted that the flat top stoves do not work as well for canning. She has always had a stove that has the coils and when the got a new one it had to have the coil burns. I believe it has something to do with the flat tops not heating as evenly.
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#2085190 - 06/24/16 07:50 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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I have to say that my flat top stove does okay with what I have canned - jams, jellies and pickling. I don't like it near as much as using a gas stove but the flat does get the job done.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.
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#2085197 - 06/24/16 08:14 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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Somewhere in the middle
I should have added, the reason dad made the gas burner, is mom doesn't like the electric stove tops.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2085211 - 06/24/16 08:41 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 88
I have canned 25 quarts of green beans so far. I need to find a good pickle recipe. I have cucumbers coming out my ears! We will definitely can tomatoes once they are ready. When you tell someone you can vegetables they look at you like you're crazy. So many people don't even cook anymore.
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#2085224 - 06/24/16 09:03 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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You all have much earlier growing seasons than I do, my beans and corn are just breaking through the ground. And I haven't even staked my tomatoes yet. Now, grant it my garden was late this year (Normally by memorial day) due to the rain we had. But I am only a couple weeks behind.
All the road side stands are full of "Georgia" veggies.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2085231 - 06/24/16 09:25 PM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 88
We use a propane burner on the patio when we do tomatoes. My glass top stove doesn't get hot enough for water bath canning. My husband and I get 3 pots going at once! Sure makes it go a lot faster.
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#2085276 - 06/26/16 01:23 AM
Re: Anyone canning this year
HRH Okie Banker
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I picked up a jar of Cowboy Candy at one of the small (I mean TINY) farmer's markets in NWO and it was amazing. Never had it before. Once I get back to Phx, I'll try this recipe. Most likely, I'll double it and send some back to Ohio for family at Christmastime.
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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