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#2112756 - 12/30/16 08:38 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
GuitarDude Offline
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Just think Norman, Halls pays someone to write those quotes and they probably go through committee for approval. crazy
I've just writed a wrong.

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#2112760 - 12/30/16 09:00 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Norman Paperman Offline
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Norman Paperman
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The more frightening part is that someone actually pitched the idea, and others thought it was brilliant.

Let Taco Bell do their thing, you guys stick to cough drops.

Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land.


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#2112773 - 12/30/16 09:32 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
GuitarDude Offline
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I have a Taco Bell hot sauce packet on my desk that says "I'm a good listener." Whose idea was it to anthropomorphize hot sauce? Or is it just the packet itself that is a good listener? And how did it learn to listen and communicate its listening ability? So many unanswered questions! shocked laugh
I've just writed a wrong.

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#2112776 - 12/30/16 09:39 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Norman Paperman Offline
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I'll admit that I read your entire comment, but to be honest I was just trying to pronounce "anthropomorphize" in my head the whole time. I just want to forget about it now.
Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land.


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#2112844 - 01/03/17 04:28 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Wolfy Offline
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Wow seems like I have not posted since last year.
No matter where you go, there you are.

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#2113332 - 01/06/17 04:47 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
MB Guy Offline
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Way, way south.
A little humor for your Friday that I thought I'd share as it just made me laugh; poor guy in the bear costume:
Giddy up.

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#2114183 - 01/13/17 04:08 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Norman Paperman Offline
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Norman Paperman
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Anyone know where a guy can get a drink around here?
Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land.


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#2114186 - 01/13/17 04:16 PM Re: Random Thoughts Norman Paperman
Peach Offline
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I don't know when the MLK bar will open?

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#2114190 - 01/13/17 04:28 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
BookWormGirl Offline
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So I bought one of those day-by-day box calendars for 2017; being a complete and total literature nerd, I went with the one that offers a Shakespearean insult for each day of the year. Not even two full weeks into the new year, and it's already proving to be the perfect way to start my day.

Some highlights so far:

  • January 2: You speak an infinite deal of nothing. - The Merchant of Venice
  • January 3: Why, but there's many a man that hath more hair than wit. - The Comedy of Errors
  • January 7/8: I have seen better faces in my time than stands on any shoulder that I see before me at this instant. - King Lear
  • January 9: Dispute not with her; she is a lunatic. - Richard III
  • January 11: I was seeking for a fool when I found you. - As You Like It

My favorite up to this point, though, was yesterday's which just so (wonderfully) happened to coincide with the first internal audit exit I scheduled for the year:

  • January 12: If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. - Julius Caesar

Ah, Shakespeare. This is going to be a good year. laugh
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams.

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#2114194 - 01/13/17 04:35 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Peepers Offline
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For I am Costanza, lord of the idiots - George Costanza

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#2114288 - 01/13/17 08:28 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Crazy in Compliance Offline
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Yada, Yada, Yada
It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. . . Marilyn Monroe

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#2114307 - 01/13/17 09:30 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
'Lil Freak! Offline
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On average, every week in the United States, five parents are killed by their biological children--Q&A: Why Kids Kill Parents, CBS News, July 26, 2012.

I'm glad we only have dogs.
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.

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#2114372 - 01/17/17 05:21 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Norman Paperman Offline
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Norman Paperman
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Am I the minority in that I appreciate a "Thank you" when I help answer a question for someone (and vice versa)?

Edit: That includes the forums
Last edited by Norman Paperman; 01/17/17 05:22 PM.
Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land.


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#2114373 - 01/17/17 05:28 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
basilring Offline
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Not with me... and thank you is very appreciated.
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!

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#2114374 - 01/17/17 05:29 PM Re: Random Thoughts Norman Paperman
edAudit Offline
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Originally Posted By Norman Paperman
Am I the minority in that I appreciate a "Thank you" when I help answer a question for someone (and vice versa)?

Edit: That includes the forums

no and thanks for asking
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.


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#2114375 - 01/17/17 05:31 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
RockChucker, CAMS Offline
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I also appreciate a "Thank you" but it also doesn't bother me if it is forgotten. In person interactions I feel are much more likely to get a "Thank you" than to get one online.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
-David Brinkley

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#2114384 - 01/17/17 06:18 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
RR Joker Offline
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I'm just thankful when I don't get an argument in return. smile Or a nearly word for word repeat of what I just said a little while earlier. smirk
My opinion only. Not legal advice.

Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#2114388 - 01/17/17 06:21 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
burkemi Offline
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Is it just me, or do short work weeks somehow feel longer than regular work weeks?
I reject your reality and replace it with my own.

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#2114389 - 01/17/17 06:22 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
RR Joker Offline
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It is not just you.
My opinion only. Not legal advice.

Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#2114409 - 01/17/17 06:55 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Norman Paperman Offline
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Norman Paperman
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I used to always get nervous that Randy would come in and completely contradict me or call me crazy. laugh
Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land.


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#2114411 - 01/17/17 07:01 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Truffle Royale Offline

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Yes, you're in the minority as far as thank you goes, Norman.
It's just a forum for asking questions and people are busy so I don't expect anything.
I'm paying it forward if I'm able to help and I consider it a treat when someone has/takes the time to say thank you.

As for Randy, we did duke it out a couple of times. My fav was the rate lock he insisted we needed to be getting. And then he flip flopped on me. But he knows his stuff and, best of all, has citations handy that take me hours to find. Glad he still has a bit of time to help out here.

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#2114455 - 01/17/17 09:40 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
Norman Paperman Offline
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Norman Paperman
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I got Randy one time and I printed it and it hangs on my fridge now. laugh Never happened again.
Maybe you just wanna fly the plane yourself. Well good luck pressing take off, then auto pilot, then land.


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#2114477 - 01/17/17 11:51 PM Re: Random Thoughts Norman Paperman
Peach Offline
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The day after the Holiday is sometimes almost not worth the day off....

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#2114505 - 01/18/17 02:02 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peepers
RR Joker Offline
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RR Joker
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Post. Of. The. Day. Yesterday. crazy
My opinion only. Not legal advice.

Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#2114531 - 01/18/17 02:51 PM Re: Random Thoughts Peach
edAudit Offline
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Originally Posted By Peach
The day after the Holiday is sometimes almost not worth the day off coming in....

Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.


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