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#2233017 - 03/16/20 04:11 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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Wonderful advice, Truffle!
My husband took a picture from Kroger on Friday of the toilet paper aisle - totally empty. Luckily we have plenty at home for the 2 of us.
Of my department of five, 4 of us are high risk. We may be working from home soon. While I am high risk due to an auto immune disorder, my husband is 67. If I brought something home to him I would never get over that. It's just scary times.
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#2233027 - 03/16/20 05:35 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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The Mitten State
My son who is 33, is diabetic, and on the kidney transplant list, so he is high risk. That scares the bejezus out of me.
Nonsense wakes up the brain cells.
--Dr. Seuss
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#2233038 - 03/16/20 06:23 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
Folks have been hitting up the big box stores for these supplies. I found toilet paper, paper towels and Emergen-C at Walgreens. Other folks have had success at drugstores and smaller stores as well. So if you're in need - try those first. I haven't found hand sanitizer anywhere.
JWills, I know this scares you. It would scare anyone with high risk family and friends. HUGS!!!
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." - Frederick Douglass
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#2233043 - 03/16/20 06:29 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
Gold Star
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one state over
I was diagnosed with MS around the turn of the year … I was just about to start a drug to help control it, it is an immunosuppressant. So, I'm not starting any drugs yet. I'm hoping to get a different drug approved by the insurance, but that's a hollow hope.
It sucks having your choices being … be sick or be sick differently
"Strip the Flesh, Salt the Wound" - Krieg
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#2233046 - 03/16/20 06:44 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Diamond Poster
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The Mitten State
Thanks waldensouth!
Nonsense wakes up the brain cells.
--Dr. Seuss
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#2233084 - 03/17/20 01:23 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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You are here
Distilled water has also been flying of the shelf in NY. CVS and Wallgreens were sold out but I found some at a local small pharmacy.
The CVS stock person at the smallest CVS told me that they received and then sold 80 gallons in a few hours. They are not expecting more for at least a week.
People, this is not a hurricane or flood situation there is no reason to hoard cases of items that will take months to use.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#2233095 - 03/17/20 02:22 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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Way, way south.
Prayers offered for all of you who are facing health and medical issues at this time.
Giddy up.
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#2233100 - 03/17/20 02:37 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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People are just ridiculous. Another reason to dislike social media.
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#2233107 - 03/17/20 03:28 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Gold Star
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Posts: 265
one state over
People are just ridiculous. Another reason to dislike social media. You needed another reason?
"Strip the Flesh, Salt the Wound" - Krieg
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#2233127 - 03/17/20 05:17 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
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the sandy shore
I was diagnosed with MS around the turn of the year … I was just about to start a drug to help control it, it is an immunosuppressant. So, I'm not starting any drugs yet. I'm hoping to get a different drug approved by the insurance, but that's a hollow hope.
It sucks having your choices being … be sick or be sick differently I'm *really* sorry to hear this. MS is a terrible, insidious disease.  I hope they come up with a workable option for you.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#2233136 - 03/17/20 06:00 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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The Swamp
We have several active cases where I live. We 'may' temporarily close our lobbies...but we were told in no real uncertain terms we were expected to be here. Even if we ARE capable of working remotely, it would never cross their minds that something like that is actually possible.
I found some gloves for the customer contact folks [tellers mainly] Dollar General. Baby wipes too...there are NO [wet] wipes on line, or in major stores...not even any thermometers. It beats all I've ever seen really.
We wont even discuss food.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2233142 - 03/17/20 06:12 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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The Mitten State
Stay safe Joker.
Nonsense wakes up the brain cells.
--Dr. Seuss
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#2233144 - 03/17/20 06:19 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 265
one state over
I'm *really* sorry to hear this. MS is a terrible, insidious disease.  I hope they come up with a workable option for you. Thank you, I apricate that.
"Strip the Flesh, Salt the Wound" - Krieg
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#2233148 - 03/17/20 06:31 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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Cape Cod
Some of the supermarkets here in Massachusetts have started to shorten their hours to give them more time to restock those naked shelves. Stores that have been open from 7 to 11 are opening at 7:30 or 8 and closing at 8 or 9. One of the chains, Stop and Shop is using 7:30 am to 8 pm in most of their stores, and, starting tomorrow, adding 90 minutes of "seniors only" shopping from 6 to 7:30 a.m. They want only us old folk over age 60 to be safe from the hordes of other shoppers. Maybe there will be some toilet paper on the shelves at 6 a.m.? Or Purell? Milk?
John S. Burnett Fighting for Compliance since 1976 Bankers' Threads User #8
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#2233152 - 03/17/20 06:46 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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Posts: 13,965
Wishful thinking, John!
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#2233155 - 03/17/20 07:18 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
RR Joker
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Galveston, TX
Baby wipes too...there are NO [wet] wipes on line, or in major stores...not even any thermometers. It beats all I've ever seen really. Just an FYI. Benzalkonium chloride, the active ingredient in Wet Ones, was found to be less effective than ethanol (as in alcohol, the active ingredient in some sanitizers), hydrogen peroxide, or sodium hypochlorite on coronaviruses in an analysis of 22 studies published in February 2020. And baby wipes are no good as they do not contain alcohol.
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#2233193 - 03/18/20 02:05 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2002
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The Swamp
I needed baby wipes for babies. Not for sanitizing purposes....but apparently people are really desperate OR afraid of being home with no baby wipes and.....a baby or two.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2233208 - 03/18/20 02:56 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 3,070
I'm *really* sorry to hear this. MS is a terrible, insidious disease.  I hope they come up with a workable option for you. Thank you, I apricate that. Thinking of you DoS. Hugs from 6 ft away. I'm older and an ex-35 year smoker with allergies and asthma. Prayers for all of us to get thru this "adventure" mentally (here at work) and physically. It's not going to get any better real soon. For a laugh - 3 hours into home schooling and 1 is suspended for skipping class and the other one has already been expelled.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.
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#2233224 - 03/18/20 04:42 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
100 Club
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Posts: 146
My wife is fighting this at the coal-face; an RN in Ohio. Please save the politics/opinions for a brighter day and follow guidance from State and local government, it will flatten the curve, prevent health systems being overrun and save lives. The document linked below is the modelling from the Imperial College London that apparently sparked the change in approach from the UK and US. Incidentally, the lead researcher, Prof. Neil Ferguson, has had to self-isolate after developing symptoms himself. Be prepared, while the measures may flatten the curve, a statement from Angela Merkel last week was they expect 60-70% of the German population will catch this and its reasonable to assume a similar percentage here.
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#2233225 - 03/18/20 04:46 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
10K Club
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Posts: 20,044
Pulling people out of the ditc...
Graduate School of Banking at LSU has cancelled the 2020 session, originally scheduled May 24-June 4. They were not in position to move to another school, LSU could not accommodate a later summer schedule, and going online was not something they could facilitate in short order.
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time
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#2233237 - 03/18/20 06:07 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2010
Posts: 1,028
[quote=trying_to_comply]My wife is fighting this at the coal-face; an RN in Ohio. Please save the politics/opinions for a brighter day and follow guidance from State and local government, it will flatten the curve, prevent health systems being overrun and save lives.
THIS^^^ I have one daughter that is a RN in a level 1 trauma hospital and my other daughter is a CNA in a nursing home. So needless to say we are worried sick about both of them. Say a prayer for everyone.
Everything happens for a reason
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