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#2233243 - 03/18/20 06:35 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,700
The Country
My wife is fighting this at the coal-face; an RN in Ohio. Please save the politics/opinions for a brighter day and follow guidance from State and local government, it will flatten the curve, prevent health systems being overrun and save lives. The document linked below is the modelling from the Imperial College London that apparently sparked the change in approach from the UK and US. Incidentally, the lead researcher, Prof. Neil Ferguson, has had to self-isolate after developing symptoms himself. Be prepared, while the measures may flatten the curve, a statement from Angela Merkel last week was they expect 60-70% of the German population will catch this and its reasonable to assume a similar percentage here. I had to google what coal face was. Best wishes to those in health care and retail, without those remaining open this situation would be much worse than it always is.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. -David Brinkley
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#2233273 - 03/18/20 11:20 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 1,636
snorkeling in warm, clear wate...
My whole dept is working remote as of last Monday. Some of us have been remote since last Thursday. Today, one of my team has a fever of 101* and Army doc told her to self-quarantine for a couple of days and get back to him with an update. Really wish he'd tested her for the flu since that's the most likely scenario in this area. In the meantime... K-12 has cancelled through the end of the semester, churches are closed as are bars, restaurants, movie theaters, etc. I think we're about down to medical, banks, grocers, and drug stores. We went for a drive last night to get some fresh air (and hit a few Pokestops....) and it was weird. Parking lots weren't 100% empty, but close enough.
Wash your hands!
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#2233280 - 03/19/20 11:39 AM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
10K Club
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Posts: 13,965
We have now officially closed all lobbies and gone to drive thru only. A customer can request an appointment to see an employee if needed. I am at home now as are many at the bank. I think in the past 3 days our IT department has made it possible for over half of our staff to work from home. They have done an amazing job.
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#2233295 - 03/19/20 03:26 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Truffle Royale
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,700
The Country
I'm getting a tad anxious myself and it's only Day 3. Wondering if it's maybe time for me to give up my tea totaler status and start drinking.
What good is drinking going to do you?
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. -David Brinkley
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#2233320 - 03/19/20 06:22 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
RockChucker, CAMS
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 265
one state over
What good is drinking going to do you?
Drink until you don't care …. My wife had to point out my hypocrisy of crabbing about people hoarding TP as I was loading multiple cases of beer into my truck
"Strip the Flesh, Salt the Wound" - Krieg
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#2233324 - 03/19/20 07:01 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
10K Club
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 10,124
Way, way south.
My coworker's ex just found out he tested positive for CV (he had just gotten back from London). The Urgent Care told him to go home and self-isolate. He's 69, so he's definitely in that danger zone.
Giddy up.
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#2233326 - 03/19/20 07:08 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
10K Club
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 10,124
Way, way south.
Yes, there is that, and from what I've heard, not a very nice one at that.
Giddy up.
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#2233332 - 03/19/20 07:40 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
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Joined: Oct 2009
Posts: 9,352
I think a concern is: social distancing begins to work. Reported cases and deaths begin to wane. I think there could be a lot of pressure to prematurely curtail social distancing, and it sounds like in that case, we could very quickly get back to where we are now. Whether the govt. backs off in that scenario or not, people being what they are might begin to ignore the warnings. With the news reports i'm seeing about spring breakers and their seemingly carefree attitude about all of this--it just seems like our chances to work together as a country and do what we need to do aren't high. Hope i'm wrong about that.
I'm fixin' to fix that.
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#2233335 - 03/19/20 08:16 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
RockChucker, CAMS
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 14,390
I'm getting a tad anxious myself and it's only Day 3. Wondering if it's maybe time for me to give up my tea totaler status and start drinking.
What good is drinking going to do you? I dunno, but I have found that the morning bloody mary bar has really lifted moral here at the home office. Things really pick up at the late afternoon martini break as well.
I don't repeat gossip, so listen closely...
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#2233342 - 03/19/20 09:45 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,545
Anywhere I want to be
I think a concern is: social distancing begins to work. Reported cases and deaths begin to wane. I think there could be a lot of pressure to prematurely curtail social distancing, and it sounds like in that case, we could very quickly get back to where we are now. Whether the govt. backs off in that scenario or not, people being what they are might begin to ignore the warnings. With the news reports i'm seeing about spring breakers and their seemingly carefree attitude about all of this--it just seems like our chances to work together as a country and do what we need to do aren't high. Hope i'm wrong about that. You need to shut down the bars, liquor stores, and mommy and daddy's bank account before you get the spring breakers attention.
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#2233352 - 03/20/20 12:09 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
10K Club
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 40,766
Turnpike Exit 10
You need to shut down the bars, liquor stores, and mommy and daddy's bank account before you get the spring breakers attention.
ahem, what about the grownups?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#2233354 - 03/20/20 12:33 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Retired DQ
Joined: Jan 2006
Posts: 79
Where I am supposed to be
You need to shut down the bars, liquor stores, and mommy and daddy's bank account before you get the spring breakers attention.
ahem, what about the grownups? Ahem, Why would that impact you? 
Do, or do not; there is no try. - Yoda
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#2233355 - 03/20/20 12:34 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 13,965
Nashville has closed the bars downtown. Restaurants are still open; however no dine-in. People aren't happy!
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#2233357 - 03/20/20 12:42 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Purple Pride
10K Club
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 40,766
Turnpike Exit 10
You need to shut down the bars, liquor stores, and mommy and daddy's bank account before you get the spring breakers attention.
ahem, what about the grownups? Ahem, Why would that impact you?  
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#2233397 - 03/20/20 04:15 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 265
one state over
Wisconsin has closed bar here. Surprised there aren't riots  That is the truth …
"Strip the Flesh, Salt the Wound" - Krieg
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#2233422 - 03/20/20 06:50 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
Diamond Poster
Joined: May 2013
Posts: 1,821
The Mitten State
We went from 2 cases in Michigan on the 11th, to 546 as of the 19th.
Nonsense wakes up the brain cells.
--Dr. Seuss
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#2233424 - 03/20/20 07:01 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,700
The Country
In my state they aren't even testing people who show up to the hospital with all the symptoms. They just send them home and tell them to self isolate. My neighbor works at the hospital and a hospice center and she was hesitant to tell my wife that little detail.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. -David Brinkley
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#2233428 - 03/20/20 07:19 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
Diamond Poster
Joined: May 2013
Posts: 1,821
The Mitten State
I'm sure the numbers are going to climb. Hopefully as people stay away from each other for a sufficient length of time, this will become an ugly memory.
Nonsense wakes up the brain cells.
--Dr. Seuss
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#2233433 - 03/20/20 08:16 PM
Re: CV Concerns?
MB Guy
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2010
Posts: 1,028
Here in NY we are one step from complete lock down. This stuff is serious and hopefully folks will heed the warnings and stay home.
Everything happens for a reason
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