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#2246754 - 12/18/20 10:14 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Platinum Poster
Joined: Apr 2014
Posts: 703
My sister works in a nursing home also and she got the virus and has been off for over a month. She has tested negative, but her body has not bounced back and the doctor will not release her to go back to work. She has underlying issues which make her weak and short of breath, so I am hoping she builds up her system enough to get the vaccine if she wants to.
Define Success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you are proud of. Anne Sweeney
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#2248281 - 01/27/21 09:08 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Diamond Poster
Joined: Apr 2003
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snorkeling in warm, clear wate...
One of my best friends from grade school was married to a 69 year old, healthy, very active guy. She's 65. They made a risk decision that as long as their EMT son-in-law wasn't quarantined, they'd include him, their youngest daughter, and their granddaughter in their bubble. He had several quarantines, they'd wait out the 2 weeks, then get back together. He got sick in mid-December, but tested negative. My friend had lunch with her daughter. Daughter tested positive the next day as did her EMT husband. By then, she'd dumped a viral load on my friend at lunch (no masks, because eating...) and then my friend ended up sick and tested positive. Shortly after that, her husband started coughing badly so they went to the ER. He was admitted straight to the ICU and she was admitted to a regular room because O2 stats weren't good enough to go home. 4 days later, she went home and they put him on a ventilator (December 23rd). He died on January 5th. I understand that they made a risk-based decision that they were comfortable with (and I wasn't), but what a tragic outcome. If they hadn't trusted a false negative or she had just decided to hold off on lunch until nobody was sick.... they've had a great 3 years of retirement with lots of international cruises and travel around this country, but d@mm1t. One tragic decision and that's just memories.
We got Pfizer dose #1 on Monday. Barely any side effects - just enough to know that my immune system was responding. Counting the days to the second dose.
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#2248283 - 01/27/21 09:28 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
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I'm so sorry for your friend and her husband. I can't imagine the thoughts running through her head and the guilt. Prayers for the entire family.
My son is a teacher and told me this afternoon that he believes they are scheduled to get the first shot in early February.
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#2248294 - 01/28/21 12:28 AM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Diamond Poster
Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 1,636
snorkeling in warm, clear wate...
I can't imagine how my friend is handling this. She's in TX and has a lot of family and friends surrounding her. I hope that's enough. I think about her late at night.
I know the relief it feels to get an email on Friday night telling you to open the medical app to schedule the vaccine and Monday appointments are available. It's feels really good to have the second shot scheduled. I know it's only starting to talk to my immune system, but there's a date on the calendar now when it's going be as effective as it's going to get and that's a huge relief.
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#2248574 - 02/02/21 09:21 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
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Thanks for the heads up. In Tennessee they are now scheduling for ages 70 and older. When they drop to 65 my husband will get it. He originally said he would wait until I was eligible - but I told him that his getting the vaccine would help to protect me, too.
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#2248915 - 02/09/21 06:27 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
i had it, was fortunate the symptoms were pretty light for me...sadly, i also gave to MsGilmore, MIL, SIL, BIL, 2 nephews...MsGilmore gave to 3 co-workers...because my first test was negative and told simply a sinus forward 4 days and suddenly was positive...too late by that time for hte family bubble. We are lucky that everyone has come through without too much issue, could have been much worse.
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#2248917 - 02/09/21 06:30 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
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So glad everyone was OK Happy - and I'm sure that was a horrible feeling.
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#2248933 - 02/09/21 07:51 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
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Joined: Aug 2018
Posts: 355
Wife and 2 year old started symptoms on 1/8, I started symptoms on 1/15. Kid had a runny nose for a day. Wife had a debilitating headache, congestion, and quick shortness of breath for about 5 days. First two days I had no taste n smell, next 6 days were fever, chills, and extreme fatigue, 1 day of coughing to end it. All symptoms are now gone but I still have no taste and smell after about a month. Glad we all got through it. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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#2248934 - 02/09/21 07:53 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
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I'm glad you all got through it too, praBSA.
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#2248996 - 02/10/21 03:36 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Gold Star
Joined: Aug 2018
Posts: 355
I was wondering what happened here in NY. When Cuomo announced his tiers of people for vaccination, bankers were included in about the 3rd group of people with retail facing essential workers. We disappeared from that group and are no where to be found and are about at group 6 now without being mentioned in his plan. .sigh
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#2249079 - 02/11/21 01:50 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2010
Posts: 1,028
I was wondering what happened here in NY. When Cuomo announced his tiers of people for vaccination, bankers were included in about the 3rd group of people with retail facing essential workers. We disappeared from that group and are no where to be found and are about at group 6 now without being mentioned in his plan. .sigh I would really love to give you my thoughts about this (I also live in NY) but the moderators would not like it. Hang in there, our time has got to be coming up at some point.
Everything happens for a reason
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#2249095 - 02/11/21 04:12 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Power Poster
Joined: Jul 2008
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You are here
I was wondering what happened here in NY. When Cuomo announced his tiers of people for vaccination, bankers were included in about the 3rd group of people with retail facing essential workers. We disappeared from that group and are no where to be found and are about at group 6 now without being mentioned in his plan. .sigh I would really love to give you my thoughts about this (I also live in NY) but the moderators would not like it. Hang in there, our time has got to be coming up at some point. Same here
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#2249110 - 02/11/21 05:53 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Gold Star
Joined: Aug 2018
Posts: 355
I was wondering what happened here in NY. When Cuomo announced his tiers of people for vaccination, bankers were included in about the 3rd group of people with retail facing essential workers. We disappeared from that group and are no where to be found and are about at group 6 now without being mentioned in his plan. .sigh I would really love to give you my thoughts about this (I also live in NY) but the moderators would not like it. Hang in there, our time has got to be coming up at some point. Same here 
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#2250887 - 03/19/21 03:10 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
10K Club
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I just received my first dose (Pfizer) this morning and will receive the 2nd on April 15th. My husband gets his 2nd dose next Friday.
So far - so good!
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#2250889 - 03/19/21 03:19 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 82
Any where but work
Received my first Moderna vaccine March 4, to sick to do much for 3 days, felt fine until Friday afternoon, then the fever started and it was downhill from there. Still feel a bit foggy in my brain and some body aches, LOL maybe that's not from the vaccine perhaps its just being 61 years old. Yes I am taking the second vaccine after Easter to stay on schedule. Hope my reaction is no worse, fingers crossed. Onward and upward.
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#2250891 - 03/19/21 03:26 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
10K Club
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Fingers crossed for you, too - and hopefully your second dose will be much easier!
My husband and son got Moderna. My son had a sore arm for the first dose; however had a reaction to the 2nd dose - fever, headache, tiredness for a couple of days.
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#2250895 - 03/19/21 03:49 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Joined: Jan 2006
Posts: 79
Where I am supposed to be
I get my vaccine this afternoon. I am not sure which version I will be getting but hopeful it will be the one dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine. But I am not picky.
Do, or do not; there is no try. - Yoda
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#2250897 - 03/19/21 03:58 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
10K Club
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Glad you've got it scheduled PP.
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#2250924 - 03/19/21 07:41 PM
Re: Tested positive for COVID 19
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2010
Posts: 1,000
I got Pfizer, and felt like I had a bad cold or mild flu for 1 day after first dose. Hopefully second won't be any worse. Local health department ran an awesome production line to get folks in and out smoothly.
Opinions are strictly my own, and have nothing to do with my employer.
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